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3 Tips to Stick to Your Commitments

Take it from a Master Procrastinator

Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readJul 9, 2020


Committing is easy.
I commit to a hundred things each day.
To write a long short story, to walk 10 miles, etc.

The human mind loves it when inspiration to do something strikes. It loves the feeling when you are going to do something nice, big, or exciting.
It’s turned on actually, titillated.

But when the time for actual action arrives,
“Duh. I’ll pass.”

It’s easy to not do anything, isn’t it?
Nothing can go wrong if we do nothing.

Everybody commits. The hard part is to see your commitments through to the end.

Now, how does one stick to one’s commitments?

Here are 3 simple tips:

  • Start Small

Don’t aim for the moon in the beginning. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. (Clichés do help!) Starting small and later on scaling it up is much better than beginning with a bang, and becoming a royal embarrassment.

  • Set Goals

Be Clear.
Dividing your work into smaller, attainable goals makes it easier to reach your target. Small triggers of victory can go a large way in keeping you motivated in the long run. Also, it’s important to make a schedule of your goals and

There’s a concept in Management called SMART Goals.

Source: —

Goals that are SMART give you better clarity and are more likely to be achieved.

  • Tell Others

I know. This one’s a tad weird. Tell your commitments to your friends or family. The mere fear of them taunting you on not having accomplished your goals will chase you towards them.

And, here’s a bonus tip:

Never Procrastinate.

So, these are a few ideas to keep your commitment strong.
Best of Luck!



Live Your Life On Purpose

Tired of a normal life. Afraid of a different one. I’ve taken refuge in Poetry and dreams. Aspiring Aspirer.