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4 Awesome Ways Going Meatless One Day a Week Made Me a Better Person

Most of them weren’t even about my physical health.

Shannon Hilson
7 min readMar 3, 2020


Anyone who’s known me very long — whether that’s personally or only through my writing — also knows I’m not really into restricting myself just for the sake of it. This is especially the case when it comes to eating. I love food. My husband loves food. Watching my weight and taking care of myself from a health standpoint are very important to me, but food and cooking remain big parts of how I bond with others and celebrate life.

In other words, super strict diets aren’t really my jam, but healthy limits are totally doable — a great way to stay on top of my health without making myself miserable. That said, you’ll probably never see me become a full-on vegetarian, but I’ve come to love the meatless/pescatarian Fridays we do every week for the different ways they’ve improved my life. The following are just a few examples.

1. I finally broke out of my menu rut.

You’d think someone who actually enjoys cooking would never wind up stuck in a rut as far as what to serve, but I assure you it happens to the best of us. I earn my full-time living as a writer working strictly out of my home, so making sure there’s a decent meal on the table for my family…



Shannon Hilson
Live Your Life On Purpose

Pro copywriter and blogger. Midjourney enthusiast. Avid storyteller. She-wolf. | Email: | Links: