5 Harmful Bedtime Habits People Should Never Do Again

Improve the quality of your sleep avoiding these practices

Live Your Life On Purpose


Most people don’t fall asleep right after they go to bed, except my dad, once it took him less than 20 seconds to start snoring after talking to me.

On the other hand, I might take up to a couple of hours and a melatonin pill to slip into Morpheus’s arms.

There are several reasons why it’s hard for some people to fall asleep fast. Sometimes, it is related to bad habits. We are all guilty of succumbing to these bad habits occasionally.

It’s hard for some people to find time for themselves, and they might end up training or texting a friend late at night when they have finally answered work emails.

Some days, I find myself chatting with friends after dinner, and we keep going for hours until sleepiness knocks me out. I try to say goodnight before my eyes close; otherwise, I silence my phone and put it away not to risk waking up in the middle of a beautiful dream!

Unfortunately, this is only one of the unhealthy practices that might ruin your sleep and mine.

1. Exercise Late at Night

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Live Your Life On Purpose

I write to share my passions and personal experiences. Follow me if you are curious about food, travel, money & human behavior.