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Self improvement

5 Powerful Quotes by Lao-Tzu That Will Make You A Better You

If applied, they can change your whole life

8 min readApr 11, 2020


Lao-Tzu (c. 500 BC) was a Chinese philosopher credited with founding the philosophical system of Taoism. The name by which he is known is not a personal name but an honorific title meaning `Old Man’ or `Old Teacher’. Lao-Tzu is said to have intimately known the wisdom of silence and lived to a ripe old age.

Taoism emphasizes doing what is natural and “going with the flow” per the Tao, a cosmic force that flows through all things and binds and releases them.

Since time immemorial, the human race has sought out and accumulated wisdom on how to be better human beings, how to love more and how to live life in its fullness. Tidbits of this wisdom have been turned into beautiful quotes that can change your whole life if applied.

First, you have to take them seriously and then, you have to apply the lessons they provide. These quotes below have the power to transform your whole existence if applied, and if they do not, I hope they at least motivate you. After all motivation, just like bathing, should be done every day.

Here are 5 insightful quotes that Lao-Tzu shared with us that you can apply to any area of your life for…



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