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5 Reasons to Start Your Side Hustle Now

Start now, before it’s too late

Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readOct 6, 2019


“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.” — Richard Branson

The world is full of people that want to start a business, but few of them move past the dreaming stage.

They’re caught up in the idea rather than the action, and they forget the hard work that goes into making business happen isn’t always as fun as sitting there thinking about it.

What’s stopping most people is a fear that something will go wrong. That they’ll be a complete failure. That they’ll lose the respect of their family and their friends. People often need a reason to start something big like a side hustle, but it doesn’t have to be scary.

It can be as easy as picking up the phone and asking a friend if they’d buy into your product or idea, or going online and setting up a Facebook page outlining your business idea.

If you actually had the willpower necessary to start something and to be successful, the chances are that you wouldn’t actually be reading this article. But for most of us, we need a little push.

Here are 5 reasons to start that side hustle you’ve been dreaming about NOW:



Live Your Life On Purpose

I write about writing, productivity, and technology | Head of Data @SocialChain | Investor @DotMatrixGroup