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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Finding Your Purpose

Edwin Warui
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readFeb 5, 2019


Let’s face it.

It has always been drummed into us everywhere we turn. It’s the magic pill that solves your woes and turns your life around completely.

Don’t get it wrong. Your purpose is important. It’s your bigger than life assignment down here. A responsibility to cherish.


Everyone has a view and an opinion.

Whom do you run to?

My Story

Ever since l made the life-changing decision to pursue personal development. There was a common trend among most of the material l learned from. Majority kept insisting on finding your purpose. What they weren’t keen on is the way to go about it.

It bothered me for long.

It was a struggle.

Over time though l have learned some valuable insights that can clear your confusion.

It’s my ultimate help people maximize their potential. To make the world a better place by helping someone out there lead a fulfilling life.

Rescue is underway.

It’s time you learned to differentiate the good fellows from the bad guys. Those that will take you safely to the shore or sink you deeper.

Now let’s get to work.

Here is what you need to know about finding your purpose.

1. It’s an Eye-opening Journey, not a Destination

It’s common to hear folks say; my goal is to be a teacher, am born to be a business owner. There is no problem with that. The downside is, they are only roles and miss the bigger picture.

Our calling changes with the season, and that’s life. It’s a series of changes. It may mean taking up varying roles throughout your life.

In your 20’s you may be called to be a writer, in your 30’s a social worker, in your 40’s an entrepreneur.

At the end of it all, you will have taken up different tasks. For now, buckle up and get moving.

2. Chasing it Won’t Make You Happy and Fulfilled

It’s a school of thought that takes us in circles. It’s believing that the outside holds the key to a better self. Same way some folks think that happiness comes from amassing wealth or even relationships.

It’s a distorted way of thinking that has zero results.

With the same mindset, people go about finding their purpose. The only difference is they believe the purpose is a noble pursuit.

Yes, it’s essential but shift your perception. It comes from within.

3. You Have to Rip Off Your Old Skin

It’s a sigh of relief, isn’t? Some weight taken off your shoulders.

There is a misconception that finding your purpose comes with a lot of individual changes.

Well…, not really.

Don’t change your hustle just yet. If you are an ice cream vendor and your customers keep coming back, keep going. The smile you plant on their lips and your infectious energy is priceless.

It doesn’t have to be a grand thing. Yes, you can do that. It’s about flavoring your daily actions with tender love.


Therein lies your purpose.

You will sleep peacefully knowing you made somebody else’s life better. It fills you up with joy and fulfillment.

You become a medium through which love flows.

We can’t ask for more.

4. It’s a search mission

We make the mistake of thinking we need to find our purpose. Like it’s a jigsaw puzzle, and you have to find the missing piece.

It’s not a hidden treasure or something out there waiting to be found.

It’s within you.

Sitting pretty waiting for you to be conscious and present at the moment.

Put your best forward because the now is what you are guaranteed. Don’t rush it. Just bask in it.

Don’t miss out on living while you search.

5. Thinking it’s the game changer

We sometimes believe solitude will work some magic on us. In the thick of silence, you will have your Aha moment. That somehow your purpose will take pole position in the race of thoughts.

Don’t overthink it.

It’s not a mathematical problem that you have to find the solution. Brain power is necessary but I'm sorry it won’t help you on this one.

It’s in your heart. Your intuition.

Everyone would have wished they were born with a manual detailing their obligations here on earth. But don’t you think that will take away a huge chunk of life’s excitement.

Being predictable isn’t electrifying. Like a captivating movie, you want to be kept on the edge. The fun comes from being in the dark of what’s happening next.

Deriving meaning from living out your purpose is the filler to the gaping holes in your soul.

It’s a lifetime chance. One that you cannot afford to miss.

Good thing……

The time has come to tell your untold story. Something we are all looking forward to.

Breathe in, ease up and take the stage.

We are listening.



Edwin Warui
Live Your Life On Purpose

A Freelance Content Marketer with the sole aim of driving valuable traffic to your website using magnetic content that builds trust with your esteemed audience