5 Traits That Screams You’re Insecure

Simran Kaushik
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readDec 13, 2020
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash.

The best way to finally stop feeling insecure is to identify the habits that are maintaining that insecurity. And accepting the fact that you’re insecure.

It’s not a bad thing to be insecure but it hinders your growth and makes your daily activities, harder to deal with.

Here are 6 signs/habits that screams you’re insecure.

1. You get offended easily.

You get easily offended and defensive when somebody points out something about you. Now, the reason why you get so offended or defensive is that you’re insecure about that particular thing or trait about yourself.

You wouldn’t care if you weren’t so insecure about that particular thing. You try to cover up or make up for the things, you’re lacking in, by getting defensive to kind of protect yourself.

Think about it, why would you make up or cover up something, you’re completely proud of (or okay with) or you accept that thing about yourself. You wouldn’t.

Eg., Let’s just take a trait, that you’re okay with and you accept it. Let’s just say it’s your body shape. If someone says something about your body shape, and you’re completely fine with it, you wouldn’t even try to explain or cover up for it.

2. You bring people down.

You put hate on people or bring them down to feel good or secure about yourself or a trait that deep down, you think you’re lacking.

You put them down because they have the things or traits, that you’re insecure about. You point out flaws in them, just to make up for your own flaws.

Or sometimes, they’re just a big giant mirror which reflects your biggest failures and fears. You put hate on them, to hide or to cover your own inability to go ahead and achieve your biggest goals in life.

3. Bragging or Showing off.

You try to seek validation or approval of others by bragging and showing off. Now it can be anything. It can be you trying to seek validation by seeking as much attention as you can get through posting pictures on social media (of yourself or the materials you have). Not that it’s a bad thing. But when you do it excessively, you’re actually insecure. And you don’t feel whole or complete in yourself.

It can also be you trying to brag about the things that you have, verbally. You might have all the expensive things but bragging about them shows that you’re trying to be accepted or validated by people.

4. Overly Competitive.

You think, if you do better than others, people are gonna accept you. And then, you feel validated and better about yourself.

When someone outshines you, you feel insecure about your abilities, it hits your ego. Ego is a false sense of image based on the past. You try to protect that image.

When you feel whole and complete in yourself, you don’t need to compete.

5. Thinking you’re superior to others.

Here, the claims you make about yourself or your own worth comes at the expense of acknowledging the self-worth of other people.

It’s fine to know that you’re luckier and happier than everyone else, but when you bring down their self-worth in your mind and compare it with yours, it clearly states that you’re insecure.

You do it subconsciously, to enhance your self-esteem.

Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities, you can’t begin to explore your possibilities.

~ Tim Fargo

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