6 biggest fallacies when investing in stocks

How you could lose money on the stock market

Simon Ternyik
Live Your Life On Purpose


Photo by M. B. M. on Unsplash

“Rule number one: Don’t lose money. Rule number two: Don’t forget rule number one.” — Warren Buffet

Making money on the stock market is not gambling.

Unfortunately, many people still think so, especially in Germany. But Germany is no exception. Again and again, I have to hear that the stock exchange is a place for gamblers. 90% of people lose a lot of money here! Good argument.

I answer then always: You are right! 90% of people lose money on the stock exchange. And you know what? 90% of people will fail with their business (like me). 90% of people don’t go to the gym after January. 90% of people are poor and not wealthy. 90% of people…oh…fuck the 90% rule! The thing is:

No matter what you do: You have to belong to the ten percent who are successful. Otherwise, you fail. It is the case with most things in life. Should I now stop trying things just because 90% of people are not successful? In my opinion, this is a mindset for losers.

You should be familiar with the evaluation and analysis of companies. Success is often nothing more than eliminating sources of error. I’m still a complete beginner myself.



Simon Ternyik
Live Your Life On Purpose

Author, entrepreneur, social worker and manager of social and health services M.A. Writes about happiness, personal development, wealth, start-ups and stocks.