6 Concrete Means to Mount Up your Self-Esteem

Shag your hair!

Aeril Trinidad
Live Your Life On Purpose
7 min readSep 9, 2020


Photo by veeterzy on Unsplash

If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. — Marcus Garvey

I was 9-years-old at that moment when I have crooked teeth on a plain-looking face. I despised myself for inspecting in front of the reflecting surface as flustering, repulsive, and unapproachable.

I was 13 years of age, and I had an accident by playing football that culminates in dislocating my left wrist. I am embarrassed when I reminisce those days while enduring all the pain and engaging with people. Luckily, I am a right-handed person that pitches in my handwriting and relevant to a daily basis.

I was 18-years-old, and I caught rattling on and on within myself, perceiving all the people that I knew by heart, how remarkable their lives were, and how they measured to unfetter themselves from self-consciousness.

Thus, here I am, an envious freak, craving to be like them. And suddenly, I stopped out of nowhere. It was like something changed. It was luminous clouds crossed right at me, and what it was flashing to me was noticeably different compared to what I’ve ever seen previously.

A night-shining cloud that molded me to recognize a part of myself, telling me, “Aeril, you should be envious of yourself. You’re dauntless; you’re passionate; you’re bulletproof. You have more than what you thought-out, and not a soul can reap you apart from doing that. If you could meet yourself, you might certainly treasure him.”

But as fast as it portrayed that picture of me, that cloud, it was gone like a blink of an eye. I was confused about who that mask am I wearing, but I thoroughly loved that picture it was created for me, and I desired to attach to me again, for eternally.

Hereafter, I began to wonder, could we construct our distinct self-esteem? I did a little research, and it emerges as that self-esteem is just elicited from our respective thoughts of ourselves. And I was fully aware that we could control our thoughts. We are the foundation of ourselves.

In a nutshell, no one spawns with endless self-esteem. If someone strikes to have phenomenal aplomb of themselves, it’s given that they procured to construct it and persist in molding themselves better.

Throughout the years of my journey, I started to evolve, dominating to mount up my self-confidence. And it appears as if I was walking taller than myself before, reliable than me previously, and I turn out to be conscious of rewriting my story.

I recognized promptly that I am not the sole one who is heading for the rocks to cope with their story; youngsters are in desperate straights; teenagers and even grown-ups were in a tight corner too.

This negative figure, we were hanging onto triggers piles of inconceivable scenarios. In practical terms, it doles out to teenagers’ suicide, it’s the third leading threat to life amongst young people, and one exterior to five teenage girls speak they have sex for the first time to be more crowd-pleasing, to be accepted.

Yet, on the bright side is that we can equalize this. At the full length of my journey, I hammer down with concrete means for you to be optimistic and positive about yourself right now, and I want to provide some of those things with you.

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Embrace yourself

Accepting the validity of not everyone will be fond of you, and it’s copacetic.

The first phase you need to snatch is to accept yourself. Everybody experiences times of insecurity and self-consciousness, it’s not only you. Thus, you are not evolving if you are still wearing your outside aspect, just faking yourself. If you embrace every flaw within the inside of you and your qualities as a person, things will be much breezier for you from that point.

Train yourself from confronting some of your greatest fears that originates from the shortage of self-esteem. Turn up the volume on positive thoughts and delete the negative ones.

If you are petrified, on the verge of humiliating yourself, or you think that you are going to end up badly, just do it anyway! Believe in yourself that you will conquer it, and you will not be scared witless eventually.

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Take Possession of your Strengths

As a provision for acquiring confidence and self-esteem, uncovering your muscles that you enjoy and shapes you to feel more relieved about yourself will verge on being comfortable throughout your character.

Centering yourself on doing this, could help you overcome your self-consciousness. Brood over on how your unique strength provides you a convenience upon other people.

Knowing you have in your possession of some exemplary virtue that will upsurge your self-esteem. It will benefit you to embrace yourself wholeheartedly.

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Surround yourself with Worthy People

Yes, sticking with someone that brings out the best on you could be a stepping stone for you to be more comfortable within yourself. People who will support you, no matter how difficult for you to reveal your authentic self.

Avoid those people who will trigger your negative mindset, but nourish you to recognize what’s hiding inside of you.

If you surround yourself with people that have good intentions, kind to others, and positive outlook, you will land on your feet beyond what you are expecting. They could influence you to do better and be confident inside or outside of your bubble.

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Oust Criticizing and Familiarize Self-Compassion

Since my goal for you is to augment your self-esteem, we need to eliminate criticizing (which is certainly impractical, even if it corresponds to being convincing) and replace it with self-compassion.

Reflect it to yourself, what you may perhaps state to a companion if they were in your standpoint (we are mostly far more giving a sense of sympathy to our close-friends than we are to ourselves), and direct those comments to yourself.

Stop accusing yourself, raise your spirits, and start moving. Being self-compassion will shink from overpowering your self-esteem, even further with neutralizing thoughts, and utilize to mount it up instead.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Learn to Acquire Compliments

Amongst the knottiest characteristics of cultivating self-esteem is that when we look upset about ourselves, we are generally sturdier to compliments — even though it is the time that we need it most.

Thus, you need to tolerate compliments when you acquire them, even though it is discomforting, you need to perceive it in distinct progress. Stand your ground, look them in the eye and learn to say, “Thank you.”

In the long run, the urge to contradict or snub compliments will vanish — which will turn out to be a great signal to your self-esteem that is perking up or making progress.

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Reciprocate what you Accomplished and Collected

After you embraced yourself; you take possessions of your strengths; surrounded by worthy people; eliminated self-criticizing, and learn to acquire compliments.

The last resort is derived from within you, start to tell people around you — perhaps the people on all sides of you today — begin to tell them what you perceive about them that you admire.

Guide them to jumpstart their respective positive self-image and see themselves for who they are, or who they meant to be. Though it may seem probable — returning the practical knowledge you acquired — also could accumulate a new perspective, cultivate you to grow more, and place confidence in yourself.

In the Author’s Outlook

Self-esteem is not something that can be taught, but it takes a long time to build, but a single impression to break it. Obtaining confidence in yourself, your capability, and everything you do day-to-day is the core to high self-esteem.

Positive thoughts are amongst the runaway victory to uplift your self-esteem. Although that resembles an easy way, it is one of the most effective processes to showcase your internal self.

A positive mindset that we can rewrite our histories, and we can forge new stories about ourselves.

Let me start the show on the road; I am 9 years of age, and I cherish these teeth and every part of myself because someday they’re going to help me put a smile on a human being; I am 13-years-old, and I’m filled with gratitude not to experience the accident, but for to overcome all the agony and self-doubt of dealing with people; I am 18 years of age, and I comprehend, I am just as victorious and optimistic as my friends.

I am 19-years-old, and now, this is my story. Change into dauntless, Change into self-compassion, and mostly change because you are bulletproof, shag your hair!

What’s your story?



Aeril Trinidad
Live Your Life On Purpose

Inspiring people is my top priority | Student and Writer | Passionate about writing poetry, life-lessons and personal growth | Email: aeriltrinidad@gmail.com