6 Inspiring Traits of Selfless People

Selflessness is a super-power that we can all exhibit.

Manasi Kudtarkar
Live Your Life On Purpose


A picture of a human hand reaching out to help another.
Image by Vicki Nunn from Pixabay.

I recently watched a TED talk from Abigail Marsh that left me stunned. Over twenty years ago, she got into a near-fatal accident because a dog came in front of her car on a freeway at night. She swerved her vehicle to avoid hurting the little fella but hit the dog anyway. Her car fishtailed and spun across the freeway and came to a grinding halt in the fast lane, facing back towards the oncoming traffic. And then, the engine died.

That should’ve been enough to give anyone heart failure. Just when she thought she was about to die, a man — a total stranger — pulled over, crossed four lanes of the freeway traffic in the dark, helped her with the car, got her back to safety, and drove off.

Can you imagine what went through that man’s mind at the time? He must have made the decision to save her in a fraction of a second with little to no thought for his own life. His generous and brave act was instinctive for him. He didn’t tell her his name, did not wait for her thanks or any glorification from anyone.

When I think of selflessness, images of Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, or Buddha come to mind. I used to think we could confer such lofty epithets only on the likes of such heroic examples. In today’s…



Manasi Kudtarkar
Live Your Life On Purpose

Leadership Coach | Supporting high-performing leaders to adapt to new jobs/roles/responsibilities/ or countries & lead with Confidence, Authenticity, & Balance.