6 Powerful Life Lessons From a Common Onion

Edwin Warui
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readFeb 14, 2019


You can’t deny it.

It’s well-known. Sitting somewhere in your kitchen and a frequent resident on your grocery list.

The humble onion is a nutrient-rich vegetable that has been around for thousands of years. Being a basis for many diets, it’s difficult to imagine a cuisine without it.


Is there more to it than previously thought?

Let’s dive in and learn a bunch of life lessons it has to offer.

#1. The Multilayered Hidden Gem

Multilayers are visible when an onion is sliced. They sit perfectly on top of each other and become noticeable when the overlying one is removed.

It represents our life. We can’t have everything figured out from the onset. There would be no place for thrill and adventure.

Of what good is watching a movie when you know how it turns out at the end. Excitement will be sub-zero.

It’s the beauty of our existence-one layer at a time. In a way, our past plays a part in how the present is and our present influences our future. Where we are today is as a result of the actions we took yesterday. On the other hand, what we do today determines how tomorrow pans out.

As humans, we can only live forward but understand our lives backward.

Don’t you worry that what you are doing now isn’t the thing you are called to do. In a way, it will eventually lead you to the grand idea.

#2. When Shedding a Tear is Important

It’s what they are famous for. The stinging in your eyes and uncontrollable tears when you chop them. In no time you will forget the teary ordeal and enjoy your mouth-watering meal courtesy of this flavor enhancer.

This symbolizes our life.

Struggles are a daily occurrence. Like death, you never know when they come knocking. They are unavoidable. Instead of trying to by-pass them, dive in and swim. It’s how a character is built.

Yes, it’s a dark tunnel, but, there is a light beckoning suggestively on the other end.

They are the sandpaper that unveils your true self. You emerge polished and glittering on the other side.

#3. When Size Doesn’t Matter

Photo by Mikael Kristenson on Unsplash

No matter the size, an onion still possesses the rich flavor. It’s your choice to decide which one to use. If it’s a small meal, then a smaller one fits. For a big family, the bigger ones are picked. The bottom line is that they are all making an impact.

We tend to think that our contribution to life is based on the bigness of our actions.

How wrong can we be?

The impact is what matters. A well-meaning compliment to a colleague can turbo-charge their self-confidence resulting in increased productivity.

There is power in simplicity.

Sometimes our small deeds have the most significant effects on people. Don’t stop: it’s beautiful and powerful.

#4. How Do You Want it?

An onion can be taken raw such as a sandwich topping or a salad. In another, it can be cut and cooked. The choice is yours.

So how does this apply to your life?

Here is the deal.

You have been gifted with a life to live. It’s a prized possession. How you live it is your responsibility.

Don’t let other people’s expectations be a prison that holds you in. Break free and live outside those walls. Take control and spice up your life.

#5. When You are Alone and Lonely

Alone, an onion has zero chances of being a hearty meal. Its success depends on the addition of other ingredients for that yummy meal.

The world can be a lonely place. This happens mostly when you are trying doing everything on your own. By default, as humans, we are social creatures. We need each other.

Like a machine, each and everyone has a role to play. It’s the teamwork that accelerates success.

Do us one favor.

Hold a hand on your way to the top.

#6. The Dreaded Onion Breath

You have experienced this one. A bad breath hours after eating fresh onions. On a hygienic note, it needs to be gotten rid of.

In life, it can be applied positively.

How do you do this?

Whatever you put your hands on, give it your best. This leaves a long-lasting scent. It’s a soothing fragrance that stands the test of time.

For interactions, leave people better than you met them. Make them laugh, inspire a friend or even share valuable insights into something they are working on. It’s these small actions that eventually build up and create a fulfilling life.

It’s what most want and am sure you too.

In conclusion, whenever life knocks you down, take a stroll to the kitchen.

Look the onion in the eye and marvel at its simplicity. Reflect on the above lessons it offers.

Get out there and change the world one step at a time.

It’s not too much to ask.



Edwin Warui
Live Your Life On Purpose

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