6 Proven Ways To Accomplish Your Goals In The Next 30 Days

Steve Spring
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readJan 31, 2018

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.

Tony Robbins

Reaching your goals and accomplishing your dreams is vital to your success.


It is not always easy to make consistent progress toward your goals and dreams with everything else that is on your plate.

You still need to find a way to make continuous progress on each of your goals if you want to succeed.

Those that take action are the ones that see results.

How do you motivate yourself to continue working toward your dreams goals?

What strategies do you use?

Here are 7 strategies that have worked for me in the past, and can work for you today.

Break Down Your Goals

“The best way to approach a goal is to first break it down into very small bite size steps. Each one of these steps should lead logically to the next step to be completed in a linear order.”

Byron Pulsifer

If you’re working toward a bigger goal, break it up into a series of small steps that you know you can achieve.

With small steps, you’ll be more likely to stay on task because your rewards come often.

After each step, celebrate and reward yourself for a job well done.

Know Your Limits

“The man with insight enough to admit his limitations comes nearest to perfection.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

You know yourself best, and only you fully understand your personal limits.

If you move too slowly, you’ll know deep down that you could be taking more action.

However, when you try to do too much, you risk burnout.

Figure out the magic point where you can achieve success without much stress, and you’ll stay motivated to keep taking action toward your goals.

Remove Any Distractions

“How tragic it is to find that an entire lifetime is wasted in pursuit of distractions while purpose is neglected.”
Sunday Adelaja

There are some things that might be more likely to distract you than others. Surfing the net, video games, and television to mention a few.

Remove yourself from these situations when you know that you need to be taking action.

For example, if you’re a social person, perhaps you’ll need to stay away from friends and family during the times you want to work.

Ask For Help

“One common thing about great achievers is that, they keep asking useful questions every day. They ask questions like; “What do I want and what do I need to do to get it?”
Israelmore Ayivo

Don’t be afraid to get help from others. There’s only so much you can accomplish in one day all by yourself.

It’s true that sometimes you’ll have to accomplish certain things on your own, but if there’s any way at all that someone else can help, don’t be afraid to ask them.

Find Energizing Activities

“Energy and persistence conquer all things.”

Benjamin Franklin

Sometimes you’ll find that there’s a period in the day where you go into a slump.

Maybe you have trouble getting started in the morning, or maybe you feel sluggish in the afternoon.

In either case, find some activity to get you motivated and re-energized.

One thing that can help energize you is a good exercise routine.

It’ll get your heart rate up and send fresh oxygen to your brain.

This will refresh you, help you think more clearly, and make you feel more like doing your work.

Develop A Schedule

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”

Stephen Covey

A good schedule and organized plan will help keep you motivated and on track.

In the beginning phases of planning your goals, be very specific when deciding what you need to do and when.

This way, when you complete a step, you won’t have to spend time figuring out what you’re supposed to do next.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Winston Churchill

If you want to be successful, you will need to take continuous action toward your goals.

Think about the goals that you have accomplished in the past.

Chances are that you had a plan and followed through.

It might not have been easy, but you found a way to reach whatever goal you set out to accomplish!

You will continue to accomplish your goals and reach your dreams in the future by using the same process.

These strategies can help you move your goals forward when you get bogged down. Experiment with each of them, and use them to get back on track when you get stuck.

Over to you…

Now, I’d like to hear from you. What strategies do you use to accomplish your goals? What is one change that you can make to move your goals forward? What else do you want to know?

Drop me a note in the comments!​

Call To Action

Do you want to accomplish your goals and be more successful? Do you want to live the life that you were created to live? Get a copy of my FREE goals checklist and start achieving your goals today.

Click here to get the checklist now!



Steve Spring
Live Your Life On Purpose

Husband, Father, Christian, coffee lover. Writer for Live Your Life On Purpose, The Startup, Better Humans, BeYourself and The Ascent.