7 Life Lessons From Charlie Munger That Will Change How You Think

Get inspired for success by the legendary billionaire investor’s eternal wisdom.

Peter Burns
Live Your Life On Purpose


Charlie Munger

“Develop into a lifelong self-learner through voracious reading; cultivate curiosity and strive to become a little wiser every day.” — Charlie Munger

Charlie Munger started off his career working in a grocery store. Today, he is worth billions of dollars. His early life was marred by tragedy. Married young, he got divorced on the edge of his 30’s. His divorce left him penniless.

Yet amid family tragedy, he managed to build himself up. At the time, he was toiling away as a lawyer, but one chance event changed all that. He met a young Warren Buffett, who was just starting off his investing business. After talking to Warren, Munger decided to completely re-invent his life.

Quitting his job, he took up investing. Years later he reminisced upon this fateful moment: “I have to say, it isn’t an easy thing to work very hard for many years to build up a significant career, as I had done, and then to destroy that career on purpose.

Here was a man in his mid-30’s, with health problems, family problems, and money…



Peter Burns
Live Your Life On Purpose

A curious polymath who wants to know how everything works. Blog: Renaissance Man Journal (http://gainweightjournal.com/).