7 Positive Thoughts To Get You Through These Hard Times

Cephas Tope
Live Your Life On Purpose
6 min readMay 2, 2020


Hard times are real, and I can’t begin expanding on how tough things can get; you’ve probably had your share of experience, or maybe you’ve not.

But in this world of ours, people suffer from tragic happenings; many are victims of war, fights, racism, and pandemics as we are experiencing at the moment.

People lose their children, spouse, parents, close friends, relatives, and it becomes very hard to stay healthy or survive through such times.

In these challenging times, maintaining a positive mindset isn’t something you’ll probably think of or consider, but in a real sense is your key to scaling through these hard times.

Having your mind dwell on positive thoughts will allow you to stay upbeat, avoid unnecessary worries, persist through the hardship, find smart solutions to personal issues, and eventually turn your life around for good.

Below are 7 ideas you can reflect on to keep your faith and strength at its peak through difficult times.

#1 Fear is a mirage

Fear has been a big deal for many individuals.

Presently the news on the TVs, newspapers, and the daily increase in the deaths and numbers of affected people are all sending ripples of fear and panic through the hearts of many.

We all are familiar with fear even at times when we do not know the cause; it tucks at our heart and throws everything into confusion.

If you’ll agree with me, no one was born with fear. It is only a mirage, an illusion we’ve created by ourselves in our minds, depending on our experience, what we hear, what we see, and what we allow our minds to dwell on.

But what in real sense is a mirage?

A mirage is something that appears to be, but in reality, it is not.

You’ve indeed heard about people who have been victims of adverse circumstances, or you’ve been a victim yourself, but that shouldn’t put fear in your heart or make you think that such will always be your lot.

Many people live in fear because they sit, think and relive their negative past experiences, playing it over and over in their heads, they get scared when something terrible is about to happen because of the trauma they carry in their hearts. Such people cannot get through hard times; they instead get stuck in it with no means of getting out.


Be willing to view fear as a mirage and nothing real. Though it looks like it, yet it’s not the real thing, and it all depends on your perception.

Change your perception, and your fear disappears. It all depends on what happens inside of you, do not let whatever is happening in your environment get into your heart, and keep you stuck.

Carrying the mindset or thought that fear is not real will help you through any hard time.

So when fear tries to crawl into your heart next time, you just look at it and remember it is only a False Evidence Appearing Real.

#2 You’re growing through these hard times

Facing difficulties is inevitable; learning from them is optional” — John Maxwell.

You’ll most certainly go through one difficulty or another, instead of lamenting at the face of it, bear it in mind that this is another time to learn and grow.

If you choose to grow, you’ll be able to understand where you got things wrong. When such situations arise again, you’ll be ready to tackle it accordingly, and most times you’ll even be able to prevent such situations from arising at all.

Carry a mindset of learning and growing through any situation you find yourself.

#3 When there seems to be no solution, it’s time to get creative

There are times a solution won’t be in plain sight, times when there’s no hope or a light at the end of the tunnel. At times like these, you don’t give up; it’s time to get creative, create your way of escape, create your own hope, create your light at the end of the tunnel…

What I’m I getting at?

Think outside the box!

So we are all locked down, we can’t go out and make money anymore, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep up and survive through this, it’s not a time to give up, it’s a time to put ideas together and make something out of it.

What can you do?

What do you have to offer?

What do people need most at this time that you can provide?

You must be able to solve a problem or create a problem and solve it!

What will it be?

It’s time to get creative!

#4 What can you control?

Some situations are beyond your control, and no matter what you do, you can’t change anything about it.

Such could include your past. Whatever has happened in the past should stay in the past, there’s nothing you can do about it, you cannot control the past.

Thinking about what you should have done instead, reliving the event will only cause you pain, regrets, fear, and make your present life, including the future bleak and without direction.-

Focus instead on what you can control at present, live in your’ now moments,’ and make them better than your past.

Another situation could be any problem you’re experiencing at the moment. If it’s something you cannot control, focusing your strength and energy into it will only cause you frustration and more confusion.

What can you control about your situation?

Make a list of those things, fix your mind on it, and work something out.

#5 Stay positive, you’ve come a long way already

We talked about keeping a proper mindset through hard times at the beginning of this post, and that is an essential key to getting through any hard situation.

But if you’re finding it hard to stay positive, remind yourself how strong you are.

Yes, you! You are stronger than you think.

Remember a time when you experienced an awful situation or when you went through a rough day at work…

How did you get through it?

That isn’t even more important as reminding yourself that the negative situation didn’t last forever.

Stay positive, this too shall pass, and you’ll come out stronger.

#6 You’re not alone

Many people have been through whatever it is that you’re going through today, as the saying goes, there’s nothing new under the sun, there’s nothing that’s happened now that hasn’t been in time past.

So don’t freak out, your problems were not specifically made for you alone, there are people prepared to help you through, it’s time to connect with such people; your friends and loved ones.

Surrounding yourself with people who are caring, loving, attentive, and available is a great key to getting through bad times.

A little love you receive can brighten even the worst moments of your life.

If you’re also a religious person, it’s time to connect with God, a source of love that never runs dry, turn to God, and draw from him as much love as will soothe your heart and melt away your fears.

#7 There’s always something to be grateful for

Lastly, you can never run out of a reason to be thankful. Gratitude is a way of showing that you acknowledge, and you’re grateful for your achievements, no matter how big or small.

Gratitude gives you an extra boost to keep going; if you look at where you’re coming from and where you are present, you’ll see there’s a lot of reasons to be grateful.

Now it’s your turn!

Using the pandemic as a point of view…

List out the fears you’ve battled with for the past few weeks and list out a positive thought to counter each fear.

What have you learned during this time? Can you say you have grown? If not, draft a growth plan for this period and work on it.

Get creative, what problem can you solve during this period (that can fetch you some cash)

Make a table, 5things I can’t control this period VS 5things I can control this period.

Think of 5 persons you can connect with during this period; you can fix discussions with them, create a group chat and talk about things that will uplift you this period, set prayer times, and get closer to God.

Write out at least 5 things you’re grateful for

Think of 5 persons that have affected your life positively, give them a call, and show them love and appreciation.

This applies to whatever difficulty you’re going through in your life, you’ll find solutions as you implement what you’ve learned.

Stay Safe.



Cephas Tope
Live Your Life On Purpose

Cephas is on a life mission to help you experience success and fulfillment in every area of your life, Learn more about Cephas at www.cephastope.com