7 Ways To Make Learning Enjoyable For You

Anirudh b
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readJan 16, 2021
Element5 Digital from unsplash

Everything starts with a first step, and if you want to reach anywhere, you need to take that step to reach that destination. People looking to learn new things and improve their skills have to become curious about online resources.

Learning is a lifetime process in which any person has to keep working till the end of life. Progress only happens when education gets involved to a large extent.

The day a person stops learning to keep himself updated, his progress also stops from that moment. Many thinkers or people who have become excellent in their field have held learning a number one priority in their life.

We know these people very well who have made it big by always learning. One of the examples that come to my mind is of Mr. Bill Gates. How he has transformed the computer world is in itself a testimonial for the others.

Everyone can be significant based on their determination to excel in their chosen field and make it big in that.

E.g., A Finance professional will have to keep himself updated about the markets and the investment scenario and many other factors to become knowledgeable in front of others.

There are seven factors to consider for better learning. They are as follows:

Keep Exploring: It is vital for people to keep exploring resources available online to know what is better for them to learn and what offers better prospects in the future. People have to get open-minded in understanding what is right and wrong and taking suitable courses that suit their profession or business.

While exploring, you will find the paid or free courses and then decide which are useful and which are not. It is also crucial to have the heart to learn more in less time and use the learning. People have to invest time in themselves for their better prospects. People who do not invest in themselves are not able to see any progress in themselves.

Goal Setting: Another essential aspect of your learning is to set goals for yourself. People who have set goals and work towards accomplishing them have made a difference to themselves and others in a big way. People get looked up-to because of the goals they have achieved till now. What are they doing right now to work on new goals?

Everyone must link themselves to goals and not to people or any other thing. The more a person gets focused on achieving the plan, the more productive he will be in the long term.

It is crucial to set the right kind of achievable goal for oneself and work towards making it a reality.

Any goal created to complete the course in the given period is the right way to work for a purpose.

Review the learning:

People have to know the review well before enrolling for an online course to learn its credibility in the market. There are plenty, of course, available for a particular topic. Having a good rating and review in the market is the right course for anyone to add to their resume.

Just enrolling in any type, of course, will not help or give a push to your career. People have to get considerate of which course they are applying. Students can also check about the course credibility with their friends and then take the course for their betterment.

Plan a Process:

Start taking the steps today for your better future and better prospects. Do not wait for any other day to start the learning process. It will not help by waiting for the right time to arrive. Just start and take baby steps in your learning. Do not get deviated from the goal you have set for yourself.

Application of learning:

Suppose you do not apply what you have learned from the course. What is the point of all the learning and investing so much time and effort for that course? Application is the most critical part of the learning effort. Without applying, it is as though it never happened.

By applying what you have learned, you tend to gain experience and know many minutest things that make you knowledgeable in that field.

Joining an experienced group:

After gaining adequate experience from the work, you have done from the learning. The next step is to become a part of experienced staff members who are masters in that particular field of study and could be of prime importance for making you become a master in that field.

Share it with the world:

After you have upgraded your knowledge, it is crucial to give it back to the world through coaching or an online course to benefit the students to transform their own life the way you have got benefited from the system. This way, you can contribute to society, looking for someone to make a difference in their lives.


Keep working on yourself to keep winning in life. There is everything available on the internet to make you become a self-made person. Don’t underestimate the power of self-learning. Your growth happens when you can invest in yourself.

