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8 things to learn from past failures and mistakes

Lessons Learned

Vivienne Teh
Live Your Life On Purpose
7 min readMar 10, 2020


All of us have made mistakes or failed miserably at one point in life, be it career choice, relationships, finances, business ventures.

February 2020 was a hellish month for me due to a series of incidents at the workplace. I just wanted to literally throw my work laptop out of the office building and quit my job. This is because it was my own actions that led to these incidents.

This overall experience also made me ponder about my past failures/mistakes. What are the 8 things that (you and) I can learn from and make peace with them to move forward in life?

1. Stop catastrophising

This is the most common reaction when anyone fails or makes a mistake: catastrophising.

Catastrophising thoughts do not help the situation one a bit. They may lead you to make another mistake as our thought process will be affected. You will not be able to think clearly and make a sound judgment.

It is one of my worst habits that I am still learning to manage. Due to my imaginative mind, I will go into overdrive mode and start to visualise the possible worst-case scenarios. This, in turn, creates a lot of stress and anxiety and impacts my emotional well-being.

