9 Quotes from Dale Carnegie That Will Change Your Life Completely

Edwin Warui
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readFeb 2, 2019


Imagine peeping inside the minds of one of the best self-improvement coaches to have graced earth.

This sounds like fantasy.


Here is your chance.

Dale Harbison Carnegie was a famed American writer and lecturer. He is famous for developing timeless courses on corporate training, self-improvement, public speaking, and salesmanship. His all-time classics that are still famous today include: How to Win Friends and Influence People and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.

And now he is going to share some little-known tips on polishing up your life. It’s just a tip of the iceberg but the power they hold is mind-blowing.

Here are the quotes:

1. ”Fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind”

Very often we have the best interests at heart, but something always holds us back. It’s our biggest undoing. It keeps us in the dreaded comfort zone.

The problem-we try getting rid of it. At no time will it be non-existent.

It’s best to gather up sufficient courage and elbow it against the wall.

Do yourself a favor.

Next time fear shows up ask yourself, what would l do if l was not afraid?

Works magic every time.

2. ”If you want to be enthusiastic, act enthusiastic”

You are overflowing with inspiration and passion. You see it with your number one artist on stage performing. The intensity of the performance. It draws you in like a magnet, and you can’t help but get in the groove.

It’s an intense craving for all of us. That longing to possess infectious energy every time.

At times you fall short due to your job, bills to pay, family commitments all taking a toll on you.

Where then do you draw this passion from?

It all comes down to you. Your daily actions play a significant part. Some small improvements in your daily life can make considerable progress.

How about striving to break a sweat every day. It fills up your energy reserves to tackle the day full of positivity. Your company also plays a significant role in how enthusiastic you feel. Surround yourself with positive people and the changes will be noticeable.

Enthusiasm improves your life. Like a 4x4 you blaze through the muddy patches of life with ease.

3.”When fate hands you a lemon, make lemonade”

You have probably heard this one every other time.

Easier said than done, right?

The beauty of life is in its unpredictability. You don’t know what’s coming next. At one time you are over the moon and the next you are sitting by the sidelines watching it pass by.

Hardships and misfortunes will always be part of your existence. How you handle them makes all the difference.

It all starts in the mind.

Embracing them as stepping stones eases the pain and gives birth to full-blown cheerfulness.

Yes, it won’t be easy, but l know l can count on you. Deal?

4. ”Take a chance! All life is a chance”

Your life is as a result of the chances you took or didn’t. It’s a collection of choices over time. It could be a prince charming who swept off your feet or a Juliet who brought your world to a screeching halt.

The choices may not make much sense right now but if you look back in the future, it surely will. Like Steve Jobs said, we can only connect the dots going backward.

Grab that chance and run with it.

5. “If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive”

Happens all the time. Every time someone wrongs us, we are quick to lash out at them. What we don’t realize is, it rarely solves anything. The other party gets defensive, and nothing is resolved.

A wise approach would be getting in their shoes. This breeds empathy and understanding that explains their actions. It could have been their best decision at that time.

It won’t mean you are the weaker one. Not at all. Being able to echo their feelings and understand them is a crucial weapon in your life’s armory.

Arm yourself.

Compassion is our greatest gift as humans. Give them that psychological hug.

6. ”Applause is a receipt, not a bill”

Maybe you want to be famous. There is nothing wrong with that.

How you do it could short-circuit that worthy endeavor.

Blowing your own trumpet won’t get you there.

We all have an assignment on mother earth-to create value. Let your positive deeds do the talking. It will be genuine and fulfilling.

There is no better feeling than knowing you impacted somebody else’s life positively.

Let it be your mission.

7. ”Today is life-the only life you are sure of”

In today’s fast world it’s easy to lose touch with the present. You have goals and aspirations that breed anxiety. The past beckons suggestively on what could have been.

Unnecessary pressure manifests which derails the train that is the present.

It’s the only thing we are guaranteed of so ride this wave. Smile more, develop a gratitude attitude and enjoy the sunshine.

It’s not too much to ask.

8. ”People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing”

In the deepest corners of your heart, it’s what you desire. It may seem elusive, but success is within reach.

Those folks that you adore aren’t a unique lot.

How do they do it?

A common characteristic of successful people is their intoxicating passion in what they do. It gets them up in the morning and provides the drive whenever they face obstacles. You can feel it when they talk.

They are unstoppable.

Find that which excites you and run after it like it’s the last bus of the night.

9. ”The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way”

Stop beating yourself up. It happens to each one of us.

Mistakes are part and parcel of our existence. It is proof that you are trying.

Sometimes guilt builds up and blinds us to the treasure they offer new insights and better ways to do things. All this wouldn’t be clear if you didn’t give it a try.

Pick yourself up and hold your head high.

Mistakes are teachers so please never forget the lessons.

Are You Ready to Change?

It’s easy to sit back and go with the flow. Having no sense of responsibility and leaving external circumstances to dictate your life.

But that’s not you.

You are different.

Do yourself a favor…..

Pack up your luggage and get in the driver seat of your life. Don’t worry about the destination. Just get moving and please don’t forget to enjoy the scenery along the way.

It’s a long stretch, but you have what it takes.

Safe journey my friend.



Edwin Warui
Live Your Life On Purpose

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