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9 Reasons Why Many Educated People Are Poor

Formal education is a modern system of slavery that you can’t feel early. Reason №. 7 is the most important.

Daniel St. Joseph
Live Your Life On Purpose
8 min readJul 19, 2020


We live in a systematically capitalist world. The school system and educational system as a whole are designed to mold you into a working slave aka employee because the rich need you as leverage to work for them.

That’s why employers look for people who are “highly educated” and graduated with honors. What does that tell the employers? This person is applying to this company but we need some form of measurement that they will be obedient and responsible to work on time, follow orders, and dependable to pull all-nighters if needed.

They did their homework and ultimately you received a piece of paper showing that you are a good fit as a follower in the system. Congratulations, You’re hired.

However it’s not only the employer who loves this, it’s actually the IRS. Employees are the highest taxed and are financially abused every day of their lives.



Daniel St. Joseph
Live Your Life On Purpose

Dan is passionate about writing to motivate people and share his experience, knowledge to enhance personal development.|BSc Biochemistry|.