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A Big Space for Love

How to open your heart and see the value in yourself and others

America Zed⚡
8 min readJan 30, 2020



In a lifetime colored by significant pain and loss, the following has been my experience and a most uplifting discovery.

What I have learned is this: If you can access ‘A Big Space for Love’, (as I see it) — a real space inside yourself that is not tainted by bitterness, meanness, blame, shame or other emotional blight, there is a possibility that you can become a great expression of gentleness, patience, love and respect, for yourself and other people in your lifetime.

With this spiritual advantage and lack of negative disturbance in your head, you are freed up to be ‘mentally clear and spacious’ and to notice the good in yourself, other people, creatures, nature and things — if you keep your eyes and heart wide open.

At first glance, this advice may seem simplistic and almost impossible to achieve in the constant chaos and challenges of life, but that’s why we need to access a big space for love in the first place; so we can clearly appreciate the value of anything that enters our world — good/bad or otherwise, without shutting ourselves down or becoming narrowly judgemental.

Emotional Independence



America Zed⚡
Live Your Life On Purpose

Survivor. Optimist. Compassionate Soul ❤️ INSPIRATION / HELP ~ Top Writer in POETRY 🦋