Image by Peter H from Pixabay

A Tale Of My Driving Phobia

And how I overcame it

Salam Khan
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readApr 7, 2020


I couldn’t drive a car.
No matter how I thought about it,
I didn’t get any far!

Since my childhood, machines and I never got along well. Though machines had a role to play in that, the majority of the fault lay with me, especially when it came to driving.

Thinking of driving a car scared the shits out of me. To be honest, I never gave it a real go. And, before I knew, it became a phobia.

What was I afraid of about driving a car?

A superb question, I must say. You can judge me all you want, but I was scared of a lot of silly things. Writing about which, after many years, makes me smile but trust me when I say this: the struggle, at that time, was real.

Some of those ridiculous fears I had about driving are as follows.

  • Car won’t start
  • I won’t be able to change the gears
  • Car will go into whatever direction it wants
  • It will turn itself off while on the road
  • I will crash (into another vehicle, a human, an animal, a tree, and anything else you can think of)
  • My worst fear was: I’d kill someone!

