Access Your Intuition and Find Out What Your Inner Voice Has to Say

3 steps to help with your journey of self-discovery

Adriana Sim
Live Your Life On Purpose


Photo by Valou _c on Unsplash

Medschool was brutal for me. Not because it was difficult —I do love a challenge — but because it was so painfully dull. I put in the work to get good grades, keep my scholarship and my self-esteem. But deep inside, the lights were out.

All through university, I pushed my passions to the side and focused on one goal — graduating and opening my own practice — even though I didn’t resonate with it. I was bitter, sad, apathetic, and completely unaware of my feelings. It took me many years to shift from a materialistic, practical paradigm to a more intuitive way of living.

I’ve always opted to follow the voice of reason in my adult years, but sometimes logic is overrated. We make rational decisions thinking we understand the bigger picture, but we really don’t. This leads to unexplained feelings of unfulfillment: we do our best to do what’s right and forget to do what’s right for us.

This is where intuition comes in. We all have that quiet gut feeling instructing us what to do and giving discreet feedback on our ideas. But we rarely choose to listen to it because oftentimes, it’s inconvenient.

How would you best describe intuition?



Adriana Sim
Live Your Life On Purpose

In the process of GYST’ing and following my intuition. Gave up a career in medicine to pursue writing, blogging, and, most of all, living.