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An Alternative to the Miracle Morning: The Niche Night

Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readAug 21, 2019


I just recently read The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and can see how it may benefit people. But some of us just aren’t wired that way. The early morning hours escape us. We feel groggy and lethargic when we are forced to wake up early.

Late nights don’t always have to be for partying, and they don’t have to be limited to weekends. They can be productive too if you choose to let them be.

I came up with a concept called “the niche night.” A niche is a space that is all your own and you feel comfortable in.

Here are my tips for other night owls out there to increase productivity and be less tired:

  1. Invest in blackout curtains. Blackout curtains are both a blessing and a curse. But when you buy the right ones, they can do wonders for your sleep. Make sure they are a darker color (like dark red or black). If possible, assemble and place them above your normal curtains in case you need to wake up earlier some days.
  2. Find time during the day when you can be free of distractions and in a silent environment. Silence is key. Without it, it is very difficult to focus. For example, when everyone else is off to bed, I like to put a couple of hours of work in from 10:30pm-12:30 am. Not only is it easier to focus, but I feel more productive and accomplished going to bed and waking up later the next day. It also helps when having to communicate with coworkers who are working in other countries with vastly different timezones.
  3. Make sure you find a rhythm with your sleeping schedule and get adequate sleep. If you work until 1 am, try to sleep in until at least 9 am if you need 8 hours of sleep.
  4. Give yourself something to look forward to each day, or dream about where you want to be. These positive thoughts truly make a difference in the quality and depth of your sleep.

Hope you found this useful and let me know what you think in the comments!



Live Your Life On Purpose

Engineer. Traveler. Bookworm. Nature lover. Documenting memories, useful tips, musings, and other creative works. Living for Moments and Experiences.