Photo by Alberto Resifo on Unsplash

Answering the Door

When the Universe Comes Knocking

Hawkeye Pete Egan B.
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readJul 24, 2019


When things start happening at a break-neck pace, sometimes the fleeting thought occurs — “What the F*** are we doing?” But, when it’s a case of the universe trying to show us a better way to go, it (the universe) has a way of letting you know, “You’re right on time — right where you’re supposed to be.”

Case in point — we went down to Fredericksburg Monday to look at a few houses. A week ago, the thought of this would have been the farthest thing from our minds to be doing, this week.

But, in that week, we met with our financial advisers, they gave us the results of slicing and dicing all of our data, showed us some risk profiles, made a few recommendations, Kathy found a couple of gorgeous looking houses in Fredericksburg, where we can live on half of what we live on here in Vienna (in terms of mortgage, property tax, homeowner’s insurance), we took off work Monday, and found the home of our dreams there, just waiting for us to move into it.

Photo by David Marcu on Unsplash

We met the realtor here as soon as we got back from our trip to Fredericksburg, and by yesterday, a For Sale sign stood tall and proud on our front lawn. The realtor, the same lady who found this house for us 23 years ago, had concerns about the current market, not sure if we could get what we need for our place. I told her we have every confidence in her ability to find exactly what we need to move out of here.

I was supposed to have my final session with my counselor yesterday, right after work. I went down to the building his office is in. He’d told me he might get evicted before this scheduled session, and that he’d let me know if he had. I hadn’t heard from him, but when I pulled up, his car wasn’t outside, and though the building was still open, his office door was locked. Doh!

I was a bit disappointed we wouldn’t have our last session. We did talk about getting together one last time, perhaps at the diner across the street from his office, and I hope that possibility still exists. I would like a little closure for our sessions. A lot of healing occurred through our talks these past two years.

Photo by Michael Baird on unsplash

Anyway, while I was disappointed, I now had some found time. I was going to be heading straight to the Fitness Center after our session for a Body Pump class, with no time for dinner. Now, I had time to go home, heat up some leftovers, eat and then go for my session.

As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed a car pull up in front of our place, parked on the street. I wondered if they were stopping to look at our house. I went in, put the dog out, and heated up dinner. Then the doorbell rang.

A young lady was there, and her husband with two little ones in a stroller in the driveway. She’d been in the car I noticed. “I saw your For Sale sign on the lawn. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?” I said sure, and she proceeded to tell me how much they’ve been wanting to move to this neighborhood. They’re looking to buy an old house, tear it down, and build their dream home here. They’ve outgrown their place in Falls Church.

The more she talked, and the more her husband talked, the more I became intrigued. I showed them around the outside — by the time we got to the back yard, I knew — these are the people we’re going to sell our house to. They’re willing to pay what we’re asking, have cash in hand, but won’t be in a hurry for us to move out. They don’t need to sell their place in Falls Church right away, since they will be tearing this down and building their own place, here. Plus, I really liked them.

Kathy pulled up while I was chatting with them, and it turned out, the guy had already e-mailed her at work. They really wanted our place!

If my counselor had been at his office, I wouldn’t have been home when she rang the doorbell. Yes, the universe seems to be more than cooperating with this thing that is moving at break-neck speed.

Now, if everything on the Fredericksburg end falls into place as well as everything on this end seems to be, we’ll know for sure — this is meant to be. Who knew?

All I know is, when the universe comes knocking, I try to be there to open the door. I’m glad I did, this time. I’m glad we did. Both of our heads are spinning, but we both know — this feels right. And, so it goes…



Hawkeye Pete Egan B.
Live Your Life On Purpose

Connecting the dots. Storytelling helps me to make sense of this world, and of my life. I love writing and reading. Writing is like breathing, for me.