Are you wasting your life

and waiting for that elusive redemption

Amit Kumar
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readMay 27, 2020


Whenever we are asked what do we want in our lives, most of us have the same standard answer of a dream house, a dream car, a well-paid job, and a few weeks of holidays with family in our favorite destinations.

These are the most common dreams all of us have.

Then there would be something else like having my own business, helping society, or something like that.

And we live our lives in pursuit of those dreams.

The problem is that these are the dreams which have been told or fed to us by the society and we have believed that these are our dreams.

We are living our lives based on the standard others have set for us.

We are building our lives based on what others think is a good life.

And that is the reason, most of people are not happy or satisfied with their lives.

There is always that regret of not living our lives fully well.

There is always that regret of not following that passion we wanted to.

There is always that regret of not giving enough time to the family.

Most of us are doing the work we don’t want to, stating away from our family most of the time of the day and ending up in that race that others have started for us.

But is that the life you want for yourself?

I’m sure the answer is no.

But there is a full proof justification which all of us have for this.

This all is happening with that one idea of I will give more time to my family after retirement, I will do what I like after retirement, I will have more holidays with my family after retirement.

Everything has been delayed for that one single milestone of our lives.

Even though we know deep down that there is no surety that we will be alive by that age.

It is almost sure that your children will have their own life by then.

And kind of lives, we are living, we might not be in good health to roam around the world with our spouse.

And what about our parents, are you sure they would wait for you to get retired and give them some time.

They toiled their entire life like you and now you don’t have two minutes of your time to sit with them.

Is this called life?

Is this what you wanted?

Are you now wasting the most precious time of your life in the pursuit of that one big milestone in your life when you want to do everything you could do in your entire life?

It’s like waiting for the last mile of the race to cover up while you have been focussed on other things than racing for the entire time.

Is it feasible?

Is it possible?

Can we do that?

Can we keep on delaying our things every day, and wait for that one chance which will redeem our entire life?

We know what is to be done but we don’t do.

This reminds me of that quote from Paulo Coelho.

“You drown not by falling into the river, but by staying submerged in it.”

All of us have fallen in that river which this world has created for us without our knowing it.

We can’t do anything about it.

And Most of us have accepted that once we have fallen into it, it is as good as that we have drowned.

Because everyone around us is submerged, we believe that is the way to live.

There is no way we can come out of it or swim against the tide.

Which is not the reality.

Some of us get the sense that if they try to swim and remain afloat, there is a chance that they can survive, they can get their life back.

There are people who learn to swim, and swim against the flow and come out of the river and create a life that they want.

All of us have that power to do that but very few do that.

So my humble request is to ask yourself what are your days like, what are your months like, & what are your years like.

Are you living the same day, over and over again, and want to call it a life.

Are you utilizing the talent which God has given you or utilizing the position this society has given you?

Are you spending time with your family or the people who don’t care about you?

Are you running the race others want you to run or the one which you want to?

And if the answer is No for anyone of them, its high time you realize where will you end up if you keep wasting your time like this.

I’m sure you would be thinking that I am not wasting, I am building a career, a lifestyle for my family.

But ask yourself.

Is that the only way to do that?

Anything which is not utilized for the purpose it is built for is a waste only.

If you use your refrigerator for keeping your books, it’s a waste.

If you use your study table for keeping vegetables on it, it’s a waste.

Same way, if you are using your life for the things it is not meant for, it’s a waste only.

Life is meant for giving to the people around you with what you have been given by the god i.e. your talent, your service, your love, your care, your time.

Think about what you are doing with that.



Amit Kumar
Live Your Life On Purpose

Published Author | Freelance writer on various platforms | Father | writes about life, productivity, self-development, mindset & relationships