Attitude Is Everything

René Chunilall
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readDec 25, 2020

How do you currently see Life?

After you wake each morning and push through the grogginess and grumpiness, how do you honestly feel about Life? Don’t pay much attention to the people and situations influencing you, focus rather on how you feel inside. Don’t try to impress me or some other person with your answer. Ask yourself from your heart, from your soul, do you like your current perspective of life?

Your Perspective is important because the one you hold has a hold over you

It affects the way you see the world and how you carry yourself through each moment. It chooses the words you speak and the actions you take. And as the world sees you expressing yourself, they are, in some way, influenced by you — some may even end up following you. So, you have to be responsible for yourself because everything you do could change someone’s life for better or worse.

Remember, you alone see your Perspective, the world feels only your Attitude

You are responsible for your Perspective. You need to be able to take everything weighing down on you and still carry out yourself well. It doesn’t matter whether the day feels good or bad, you must never succumb to the people or situations influencing you the wrong way. You need to be your own and hold firm on the belief that nothing is stronger than your belief in yourself.

And everything out there exists only to serve you in some way

You may not know how at first, but you know that at some point in the future, its meaning will reveal itself to you. Don’t consider yourself a victim and succumb to the things facing you, see yourself as being the one who benefits and overcome the things facing you. Don’t sit idle, hold strong, and keep moving forward. This Attitude can change the world in some way every day.

Keep with you the words of Arthur Gordon:

Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid. In the past, whenever I had fallen short in almost any undertaking, it was seldom because I had tried and failed. It was because I had let fear of failure stop me from trying at all.

I would like for you to keep these with you:

Your Perspective Powers Your Attitude

Inky Johnson once said something quite interesting: perspective drives performance. And I am paraphrasing here but, the adversity that finds you is not as important as your perspective of it. You may not be able to control the adversity that will find you, but you choose how you see it and this will decide what you do with it.

Your Perspective will influence your Attitude

A destructive perspective can lead you towards a destructive attitude in the same way a constructive perspective can lead you towards a constructive attitude. The latter asks for more effort but do not let this discourage you because this brings with it a great deal of value. Embrace it. If you were to be consumed by anything, let it be this. You will not regret the value you find in the end.

I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.” — Martha Washington

A Comprehensive Understanding Leads To A Better A Perspective

Make room for Doubt and ask the questions you need to ask. Understanding is a journey and the questions you ask help you explore this journey. Look at the good and the bad, and try to draw value from them both. Be not afraid to explore, for the more ground you cover, the broader you will be able to think. And along the way, the understanding will reveal itself to you.

This helps you find and follow what makes sense to you

But be careful not to mislead yourself. The understanding you find is meant to help you choose a Perspective that will bring you value today, tomorrow, and each day after. Don’t choose one without considering the long-term value. But once you find the one that aligns with your soul, keep it. Let it be expressed through your Attitude and be the reason why the world remembers you.

Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.” ― Shannon Alder

This Is How Your Brave The World

It is no secret that the world can feel harsh at times. Things often do not work in your favor and they may compound into an enormous and powerful weight resting itself on your shoulders. I can say, if you leave this weight alone, it will grow and hold a great influence over you and the life you live. It will do its best to overwhelm you.

But whatever you do, do not succumb

Don’t be influenced by everything living outside your control. They may feel strong, they may feel impossible, but know that you are capable, know that you are stronger. Stay true to your belief in yourself. You may feel confused, but you will understand it better at some point in the future. Don’t let go of your hope and the terrors of the world will hold no power over you.

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” ― E.E. Cummings

Photo by Ali Pazani on Unsplash

You are going to live your life each day and go through the time given to you. You may do it willingly or unwillingly, but this is an important decision you must make each day. I do say, choose the former because Life is far too interesting to live it unwillingly. Some days may be good and some days may be bad, but neither should be enough to sway your Perspective of life as a whole.

Your Perspective may be nourished by the outside world but it stems from within

Your Perspective belongs to you, it is for you to maintain and express through each thing that you do. Let it not be influenced but rather nourished by the people and situations living outside your control. Let everything serve you on your way. A well-rooted Perspective and indomitable Will leaves you with an empowering Attitude, one that can brave the world and change it at the same time.

Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained” — Marie Curie

Invest In Your Existence, Kind Reader.



René Chunilall
Live Your Life On Purpose

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