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Be Your Own Boss and Discover the Right Business for You with a 3-Step Process

Follow your passion.

Tanja Trkulja
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readMar 8, 2019


So, your dream is to become an entrepreneur and your own boss. This sounds truly amazing, doesn’t it? But, do you really know what kind of business you’d excel at? Of course, the best kind of business would be something that you thoroughly enjoy as well.

It’s only logical that you want to follow your passions, but the problem occurs when you don’t have the slightest idea what your passions actually are. This automatically means that you can’t possibly be sure what kind of business would be enjoyable and profitable for you.

Obviously, you have your interests, but are those enough to base entrepreneurship upon? And what if you end up hating your interests once you turn them into a business?

You’re probably taking the question of “passion” too seriously.

Everyone around you constantly talks about the importance of passion and doing the job you love.

Of course, the claim itself is true, considering that doing something you love is obviously much better than doing something you absolutely loathe. But, it’s not easy to simply discover your life’s purpose when you’re about to start a business from scratch.

In order to learn how to run, you first need to learn how to walk. In a similar vein, you first need to be an entrepreneur in order to master your entrepreneurship.

Don’t focus too much on other people’s success stories. While these may serve as an inspiration and motivation, don’t fall into the trap of self-doubt. Embrace the winning mentality.

All these successful people had to have countless false starts and failed projects you’re not aware of before their success. This is why it’s important to remember that even if your first attempts don’t show the results you hoped for, you should never give up. Instead, keep trying until you get it right.

Be prepared to kiss a lot of toads

Basically, you’ll have to kiss a lot of toads before you find your prince(ss).

In this case, you can imagine all the interests and hobbies you engage in when you have some free time as toads, while the prince(ss) will be the kind of business that you really love and feel motivated to pursue; the one that will bring independence and allow for financial freedom.

The start of something new (and different from the current job you may not like) will allow you to learn more about and better yourself. You can improve your skills, and, most importantly, stop wasting your free time on things that don’t add value to your life.

If you’re interested in utilizing the power of the Internet for your successful future entrepreneurship and need more structured advice, definitely take a look at the list of the possible things that can turn into a profitable business online.

When you’re starting a new business, your primary goal should be to find and create something that you really enjoy doing. Other benefits, such as the potential earnings and similar, should always come second. Also, remember that no job, not even the one you personally founded, should make you feel trapped.

And if you’re going to commit yourself to something you love, you have to be aware that there will be some rough patches; but, they will also be worth going through, just like in any loving relationship.

Keep in mind that no business idea will be 100% perfect and ideal — something like that simply doesn’t exist.

Now, it’s time to sit down, brainstorm and complete a 3-step process that will help you find the right business for you and the way to realize it.

1. Write 5 things that interest you at this moment

Take a piece of paper, open the notes app on your phone or a new document in Word — whatever feels the most comfortable and productive for you. Try not to be too generic but don’t think too hard about this either. It’s important to write the first 5 things you think of as soon as you start the brainstorming process; then you can adjust the wording a bit better.

For instance, if you’re passionate about food, don’t just use the word “food” as one of the things on your list. Be more specific and write what food you are passionate about precisely, such as “sushi”, “pasta”, “milkshake”, “strawberry”, etc.

It doesn’t have to be something that you had a life-long interest for. Essentially, just focus on things that have been on your mind recently.

Are you trying to change your eating habits and lifestyle? Do you want to change your looks or improve your health? Do you simply adore food? Something like this would make for a big part of your life. So, if you’re getting into the whole thing more and more, feel free to use it in this step and write it down.

2. Create tables for your interests and ideas

Essentially, you’ll start with making five tables — one for each of the interests you’ve written down previously.

Your table should have five columns. The first column should contain your main interest (e.g. “pasta”). The rest will be used for idea qualification. So, use the rest of the columns for Related Ideas, Business Practices, Platforms and Degree of Interest (DoI). Each of these four columns should be divided into 5 rows.

Related ideas section is essential if you want to proceed with any of your interests. In general, this will be THE IDEA you base your entrepreneurship off of.

Still, once you come up with five different possibilities for your interest, it’s paramount to match them with effective business practices in order to get something possibly worth your while.

And, thinking about the potential platforms that will allow for your ideas and practices to flourish in this stage will help with the whole business starting process later on.

3. It’s time to rate all of your interests

Just like you have the Degree of Interest (DoI) for different ideas based on a specific interest you wrote, now is the time to rate all of the 5 interests you had, as well.

Use the tables you created in order to analyze and pinpoint something that feels like the right business move and a lifestyle change for you.

Try to keep in mind the two following aspects: your target market and potential income from that market. Even though earnings should definitely not be your priority when looking for the right business for you, you still don’t want to target a market that perhaps won’t have the means to support your products/services.



Tanja Trkulja
Live Your Life On Purpose

Content writer at TechBear, nature and written word enthusiast, avid anime watcher, a Hufflepuff, and a Whovian.