Being ‘In The Moment’ Isn’t Just For Actors

Listening To Your Soul’s Anthem

Phil Rossi
Live Your Life On Purpose


Image Credit: Tyler Casey/Unsplash Archives

After a few small roles in independent, short films, and an epic flop at producing my own feature, I figured acting wasn’t in the cards.

I let failure and the lack of progress derail and define me. I continued to write fiction and nonfiction, concentrating less on acting.

It took me years to realize that I was on solid ground and a steady path all along before I quit. Setbacks are part of the process. Failure is often disguised as a calling to up our game and improve our craft.

As life carried on, my fear of failure and unfulfilled dreams kept gnawing at me. Afraid I’d never take the plunge, I came across an article on twilight confessions and the ‘what if’ regrets of older folks facing death.

The recurring theme wasn’t the things people did and the mistakes they made. It was the aspirations they didn’t pursue that haunted these elderly people the most: I should have done this. I should have tried that.

Throughout my artistic journey, I never lost the zest to act. I also thought of moving to Los Angeles and making a go of it. If anything, removing a deathbed regret before it’s too late.

In the meantime, I began where I am, in the New York City area. Yup, right in…

