Image by Andrian Valeanu from Pixabay

Best Ways to Start Your Day

Morning routines for a better you

Lenka Otap
Live Your Life On Purpose
8 min readDec 23, 2019


Morning routines are some of the most discussed habit improvements. Habits are easier to implement if they are stacked on top of some other activity or other habits and one thing we do for sure every day is to wake up. Therefore it can be easier to implement a new morning habit because you know exactly the exact trigger for your new habit.

Also, better morning routines can improve your whole day, giving it good momentum.

“It’s incredibly calming and centering to get up before your kids, even if you have to set an alarm on weekends.” — Jeremy Anderberg

So let’s consider the different ways you can get a better start in your day. Some are tiny things you can implement immediately and others are habits you can build up slowly for a better you. Choose whatever feels most beneficial for you where you are in your life at this moment. Try to implement one habit at a time.

Drink water

I always start my day by drinking 1–2 big glasses of water. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve gotten so used to it, that my body requires it, but it doesn’t even feel like I’m forcing it. I’m just that thirsty.



Lenka Otap
Live Your Life On Purpose

Computer scientist and astrophysicist. Curious about life, the universe, and everything.