Better Your Perspective Of Yourself

René Chunilall
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readSep 19, 2020

I believe that we each hold a perspective of ourselves. A perspective that directs our lives and the moments we face each day. It influences the choices we make for ourselves and holds great power over who we are and who we become.

This perspective is called your Self-Image

This is how you see not only your physical body, but your mental body too. It is developed and maintained by you. This perspective of yourself is mouldable and dynamic, though most have grown to believe it otherwise. Most have lost their way, living only as social beings and interacting with others more than they do themselves.

And with this interaction comes influence

Others may unknowingly impose themselves onto you. You may also do this to yourself. You may disagree with me, but not your feelings. Ignoring them only pixelates your Self-Image, making it difficult for you to see yourself. Your feelings may be stirred by you or others, but they serve the same purpose when left alone– they fuel a Destructive perspective of yourself.

They must be tended to, and let go of — if necessary

They will feel brutal and very much Honest, but they serve only as gatekeepers to the parts of you demanding your Attention and Strength. Tending to them with great care fills gaps you never knew existed. Know that this effort will lead you towards a Constructive perspective of yourself.

The effort will ask a great deal of you, but be brave

Remind yourself that this effort constructs you a better Self-Image. It is enduring and tiring, yes, but it is also very much rewarding. It leads you towards a clearer picture of yourself, one that you can see, and have no doubt that you are seeing yourself as your own person.

Remember well the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson — “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

As you decide the person you are destined to become, here’s my advice to you:

Better Your Self-Image

I cannot know the perspective you hold of yourself, it is not for me to know this. But I do know that you hold one, whether you admit it or not. You see yourself in a particular way, which goes beyond the way others do. This perspective dictates the choices you make each day.

So you must ask yourself, is this a constructive or destructive perspective?

If it is the latter, which is very much normal, then you have some work to do. You need to let go of the destructive traits to make room for better ones. You know of them, they are those you admire in others or the few you enjoy in yourself. And develop them by building better habits around your thoughts and daily activities. Do it one step at a time.

When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” — Paulo Coelho

Listen To Your Moral Compass

This is no easy task. In fact, you may often find yourself confused, lost and overwhelmed. The people around you may no longer offer sound advice, and the books may seem less useful than it initially was. But this is telling you something you need to hear.

This is telling you to continue your journey within

You have a guide inside yourself, did you know this? It guides you by using your Feelings, attracting and repelling you, telling you what is most meaningful to you. There are those that must be left alone, but there are some which must be developed in you. Take those as seeds, plant them in yourself and grow them with each moment you face.

Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity. “ — W. Clement Stone

Through This You Will Become Your Own

I would be lying if I gave you a probable end-date to look forward to. I was not meant to know this for myself, so to give you one would be dishonest. But I can say, along the way, you too will understand that this journey needs no end-date.

Because your Self-Image must be maintained each day

A constructive perspective is as simple to develop as a destructive one — the difference lies in where you invest your effort. But choosing the former is where the journey becomes exciting — This is where you become your own person. This is where you become who you choose to be.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Photo by Max Andrey on Unsplash

In yourself, you see what others cannot. This personal perspective may be influenced by your habits or the opinions of others — but remember that you are your last line of defense. You have the power to choose which influences you keep and which you don’t.

The choices you make leaves you with a constructive or destructive perspective

But it is not a single choice acting alone– it is many. Your perspective of yourself must be maintained each day, using your Moral Compass to help you make better choices. Confucius knew, as well, that the superior person is the one who always follows what’s right. You know what that is, especially when you feel wronged. So do it — for this is how you become your own.

Be not the slave of your own past — plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep, and swim far, so you shall come back with new self-respect, with new power, and with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Invest In Your Existence, Kind Reader.



René Chunilall
Live Your Life On Purpose

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