Books Vs Movies - Which Is Better And More Educating

Anirudh b
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readFeb 22, 2020


Books Vs Movies are important in many aspects. They both have different roles to play.

One is more important than another. Which one is important? For someone, a Movie is important.

For Others, Books are important. How do we decide which one is important?

Books are always important in many aspects to have a sharp mind and be more creative.

One needs to read good books. Regular reading of books is good for mental health and get to learn new things.

Movies are good at watching. But to make a movie out of the book. We can take only limited things from the book to make the movie interesting.

Many things get left out. If we look at the Harry Potter series. We have adopted the whole movie from the Books.

But not everything gets covered in the movie. There is no doubt that the movie is good.

But by reading the book a person can improve his vocabulary, English, Broaden his mind, a creative mind, Etc.

People who like reading books will understand. Why it is important to read books.

People who don’t like reading would prefer watching a movie based on the book.

Movies are no doubt good. But Books have an upper hand as compared to moves.

Books need time & dedication to reading. Not everyone has the patience to read a 300 or 400-page book

movies usually last for 2 to 3 hours. Their main purpose is for Entertainment and nothing else.

Books need a lot of focus to read and movies do not need so much focus to watch it.

Movies are available at a particular time in theatre, we can read books during the day.

A person watching a movie is seeing it live. The person is a passive recipient.

In a book, A person can actually visualize a scene in his mind to improve his thought process.

Any movie could get produced on a good book, no book could get written from a movie.

movies don’t give a lasting impression on the person. But books definitely live a good impression on the person reading it.

A passionate reader of good books knows the importance of reading on an everyday basis.

books are an important asset for that person. He can survive without anything. But books are very important to him.

They are the source of knowledge for him. It makes him feel composed and is at peace with himself.

movies portray books and all the characters in it. Still, some chapters get left out as it is not possible to showcase them.

books are very important for all age groups of people. They play a vital role in the development of human beings.

All the people in jobs such as CEOs, MDs, Executives Directors have a good habit of reading books.

The human brain requires exercise. That could get managed by reading books.

So it’s important to read good books.

There is no doubt that books are better and more educational.

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