Break Your Issues Down Into Actionable Steps

René Chunilall
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readDec 6, 2020

I wonder whether you sometimes wish life was easier

I wouldn’t blame you if you felt this, even for a short moment, because life does feel quite exhausting at times. It isn’t always easy to balance and maintain your commitment to your job, your people, your studies, and your habits.

Sometimes, one of these gets too much attention and leaves the others neglected. And you may very often overwhelm yourself trying to balance everything.

You may get so caught up in your head that you let life pass you by unnoticed

But I mean, you wouldn’t want to be here for too long because this is a destructive state-of-mind. Your functioning as an individual becomes less stable, and worse, you stop yourself from experiencing your life. But when you find yourself in this unfavorable place, do not despair. For as long as you still breathe, there is hope for you.

You still can save yourself — you just have to be strong

Stop wishing life was easier because this will bring you no progress. Accept your reality for what it is and what it isn’t. Use this honest observation to separate your commitments from one another and break each one of them down into steps you need to take to bring them back to their balance. I know it may seem impossible as you take these steps, but don’t give up.

Because soon it will be all over and you will have won

And you win because you stuck with your plan regardless of how long it took or how much effort it demanded. You felt the fears and the worries along the way, but you stayed true. And everything you did would have brought you back to your balance. You would have bettered your ability to take care of yourself and brought back the life you thought you lost.

Let me leave you here with the words of Kobe Bryant:

What I have learned is to always keep going, always, There’s been times especially early in my career where I feel like this is the end, but what I’ve come to find out is no matter what happens, the storm eventually ends and when the storm does end you want to make sure that you are ready. And so I’ve learned to put one foot in front of the other…

From here, this is what I wish for you to keep with you each day:

Accept What You Cannot Control

Life is quite curious, right? You will find many things happening to you without your permission. These very things will find you when you are most vulnerable, and still, you are expected to be strong, you are expected to be better. It’s difficult to ignore the things that intrude your personal space and attack your inner peace, I know. But you will be better once you accept them.

Because life goes on, and so must you

You may not think these moments matter, but they do when you look back at them. All you ever really care about is how you faced them — what you felt doesn’t matter as much as what you did with what you felt. I feel it only makes sense to want to be proud of yourself when you look back, don’t you? So leave whatever value you can in each moment, and you will be better for it in the future.

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” ― Søren Kierkegaard

Break Down Whatever You Face

I think it’s a natural reaction to feel overwhelmed when you first see a great obstacle. And for just a moment, you may feel it’s beyond yourself and your capabilities. But I also feel that sometimes you have to feel weak before you can feel strong — this may be what you need to take it seriously. And once it has your attention, you begin to dissect it.

You begin to figure out what you have to do to overcome this obstacle

You break it down into actionable steps and figure out the very first step you must take. You may have to do some research, ask for some advice or walk in the front door. But whatever it is, take that first step and keep going. You will feel resistance — it may come from others, or sometimes from yourself, but keep going. Soon the great obstacle will be conquered, and you will be greater for it.

“Permanence, perseverance, and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragement, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.” — Thomas Carlyle

Life Is Too Short To Succumb To Chaos

Leave the things that are outside your control where it is — don’t let them in. The external Chaos is very convincing, and it will try to find its way into your personal space, but without your permission, it has no power over you. Realize that you are the barrier, you are the stronghold between the Chaos that serves you well within and the one trying to find its way in.

Because life is too short to worry about what you have no control over

Worry about what you can control. Let this help you get out of your head and move towards a productive outcome, towards an ending that satisfies your soul. Life is too valuable to live it succumbing, it should be lived embracing. And I know that you are your own person finding your own way to live the life given to you — I just hope that you actually live it before it’s too late.

As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

Photo by Andrey Zvyagintsev on Unsplash

I don’t know what you face, and I don’t know when you face what you face, but I do know you feel significantly better when you face it well. I know how empowering it feels to look back at yourself taking care of yourself in the midst of life’s tragedies. It’s a liberating and deeply satisfying personal experience.

An experience you should not ignore

Because you’re creating your history with each day that you live, you’re creating moments for you to look back on and learn from. Each thing that you do holds some value for you tomorrow. So when life seems tragic, or unfair, I ask you to take a moment to really think about the value this moment holds for you. When you understand this, the moment changes and becomes purposeful.

Sometimes, struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were to go through our life without any obstacles, we would be crippled. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. Give every opportunity a chance, leave no room for regrets.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

Invest In Your Existence, Kind Reader.



René Chunilall
Live Your Life On Purpose

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