Breathe Right to Increase Focus and Emotional Intelligence

These 5 mins will change the way you deal with life

Nandita Abraham
Live Your Life On Purpose


Image Source: Unsplash | Photographer: Yogi Madhav

Goleman’s popular book, Working with Emotional Intelligence, shows that 67% of what it takes to be a leader is emotional intelligence. It is also twice as important as technical proficiency or IQ.

Today’s disruptive environment of leadership, technological changes, increased workload, have escalated stress and anxiety in the workplace. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your emotions, as well as other people’s emotions and has been applauded as a way to reduce stress in the environment.

College and school going students too are affected due to the competitive environment, unemployment worries, admission and exam performance. Some people naturally inherit high EQ but it’s a skill that you can practice and develop. By becoming more self-aware and learning how to self regulate your brain will adapt to make these behaviors automatic and replace less helpful behaviours.

Science says that breathing right releases the brain’s chemical messengers, ‘noradrenaline’ in the bloodstream. It promotes the growth of new neural connections thereby causing overall brain growth.

