Broken Isn’t a Sexuality

Learning about Asexuality Later in Life is a Bizarre Journey

Becky Jones
Live Your Life On Purpose
6 min readMay 11, 2020


The Evidence

First, I didn’t know about it; then I didn’t permit myself to claim it.

I was born in the early ’70s. Growing up in the ’80s came with expectations for one’s life, benchmarks to reach.

It looked like marriage, children, and a career. That was it.

Not getting married, as a female, meant you were an “old maid” or a “spinster. For a male, you were a “confirmed bachelor.” Translation for the younger readers is that the women were undesirable, and nobody would have them, and the men were gay.

That was how I understood it. Those were the options. There were only three.

  1. Married
  2. Gay
  3. Repulsive

At twenty-one, I was a teacher with a full-time teaching position. I owned a duplex where I lived on one side and rented out the other to pay the mortgage. I should have been proud. I should have felt accomplished.

Paths that included children but not a marriage entered into my mind but were quickly swept away because they were not acceptable. Not acceptable to family. Not acceptable in my small New England community.



Becky Jones
Live Your Life On Purpose

Changing it all up by leaving public school education to pursue writing, mental wellness, and share strategies.