Buddhism And Universal Truths

Michael Patanella
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readApr 9, 2020
Geralt; Pixabay

I find interest in the theory behind Universal Truths. I try to utilize them to better myself and progress with my own knowledge when it comes to where I want my life to go. They can be enlightening statements that represent a lot more than just the idea or thought they seem to be saying. They can initiate self-guidance and get us back on track when we are in those tougher times where we might feel somewhat lost in the journey we’re traveling.

I have written about Universal Truths a bit in the past. I feel it’s something that can continue to be covered as time goes on, because the topic, along with what it represents certainly evolves with the ages. There is always something new that can be learned each time the idea and subject are revisited. That’s an important factor in the value of the lessons they give.

The Buddhists have three Universal Truths that I really love, and today those are the ones I want to take a look at and share with everyone.

1. Nothing Is Lost In This Universe

In a nutshell, this first means that everything we do outward can always come back to us, with the same influence as the initial thing we did. It’s a matter of what goes around comes around. It’s about Karma. One of their statements says “if you cheat someone, you cheat yourself.” A simple statement, but I myself want to take it a step further.

The Digital Artist; Pixabay

If you cheat a person, your future may be met with being cheated by another. This reminds me of my past when I was a serious active drug addict. I lied and cheated on all the good things, and all the generous and loyal people around me.

This hit me two-fold. First, I ended up losing wonderful loved ones because of this. And second, I myself was created by other addicts, in the same way, that I was cheating others. The deeds we do, always come back full circle to us, and eventually, we are always hit with the same hurt and pain, in which we put onto others in our past.

Now remember it’s not all negative. Good deeds and bouts of honesty can always find their way back to us, in the form of blessings. That’s a good reason why it’s a nice gesture to do good deeds without always expecting a payment or a favor in return.

2. Everything Changes

Buddhist refer to the old theory of the earth being either flat or round. When they say everything, they really mean that it can literally be anybody or anything.

For thousands of years, most people did believe that the earth was flat. Of course, with more knowledge, more science and more technology came a change in that theory, which quickly became the new fact. That’s the main idea and subject that the Buddhist use for number 2 of their Universal Truths.

When I look at this, I can conclude that the earth's example is just one example. We can really come up with so many other ways that show the truth of “everything changing.”

Myriams-Fotos; Pixabay

The main component that goes in conjunction with this is the passing of time. It is that time, that is the foundation that stays in place, but also guides things on their paths of change. The more time that goes by, the better chance for more changes becomes apparent.

3. Laws Of Cause And Effect

Ever since I began studying these Buddhist theories, I always felt that at times, number three connected back to number one. For number three, the Buddhist state that “we are the way we are, due to the things we have done in our past.” With that, I am glad that a while back when I was first getting sober, I came to the realization and understanding that the choices we make, dictate the lives we lead. It can’t get much truer than that.

Qimono; Pixabay

The mistakes I made in sobriety have affected so many avenues in my life. When it comes to friendships, relationships, financial status, mental health, and physical health. My negative actions have caused me negative results. But I can’t forget that my positive choices, have too, lead me to great positive changes in my life.

I recommend anyone to come to the realization that this cause and effect philosophy can be the model we use to always find the room, and time to change.

It’s never too late to find a better way. All it has to start with is better choices.

Michael Patanella

is a Trenton, New Jersey Author, Publisher, Columnist, Editor, Advocate, and recovering addict, covering topics of mental health, addiction, sobriety, mindfulness, self-help, faith, spirituality, Smart Recovery, social advocacy, and countless other nonfiction topics. His articles, publications, memoirs, and stories are geared towards being a voice for the voiceless. Hoping to reach others out there still struggling.



Michael Patanella
Live Your Life On Purpose

Author, Publisher, and Editor. I cover mindfulness, mental health, addiction, sobriety, life, and spirituality among other things. MichaelPatanella.medium.com