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Build Connections, But Enjoy Each Other’s Company Too

Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readAug 30, 2019


Lately I have been meeting and interacting with developers from a few countries all over the world — most notably, China, India, and Mexico.

It always brightens my day when I see someone from another country invest time and interest in my Android apps, and also that services like LinkedIn exist to broaden people’s networks and meet like-minded people who share similar skills and career goals.

You see random acts of kindness from strangers outside in a big city occasionally, but it is gratifying to see these actions online too.

Whether a connection is helping you search for a job, enhance your skills, or troubleshoot an issue with a project, the simple act of compassion enriches the lives of many and greatly helps us move forward in our desired path of life. This is truly remarkable, really.

Can we also nurture friendships and relationships (personal and professional) through in-person interactions?

When you make friends from many phases of life, it is easy to get caught up in your busy life and lose track of them. Thankfully, with the aid of social media (especially Facebook), it is simple to find friends you haven’t spoken to in years and rekindle old friendships.

Staying in touch is awesome, but can we make an effort to meet in person? The state of being busy is inevitable, but we should make quality time for others off-screen, as those experiences are the ones that will be the most memorable.

Life is ephemeral. Show your connections and friends that you care. :)



Live Your Life On Purpose

Engineer. Traveler. Bookworm. Nature lover. Documenting memories, useful tips, musings, and other creative works. Living for Moments and Experiences.