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This age-old camp song represents all that’s wrong with the American work culture

Joe pushes buttons. Don’t be like Joe.

Nikki Kay
Live Your Life On Purpose
6 min readJul 19, 2019


My six-year-old came home from camp yesterday singing a song I remember from my own childhood. It’s about this guy named Joe who works in a button factory.

Don’t bother asking what a button factory is, or whether the factory exists to actually produce buttons, or solely to ensure they’re pressed as prescribed, or for some other purpose entirely; all that is beside the point.

The song follows Joe as his boss continues piling responsibility after responsibility upon him. Joe takes on each task with a smile, performing each one progressively more poorly until he finally has no choice but to admit he can’t handle anymore.

I hadn’t heard the tune in decades, but as my daughter sang it and I tried in vain to perform the successively more ridiculous motions, I began recognizing echoes from my own life. By the end, I started to see this simple camp song as something else entirely: a disturbingly accurate parable for the American attitude toward work.

[Author’s note: If you are unfamiliar with the song, you are welcome to scroll to an awkward team-building version at the end of this story, though it’s not strictly necessary. When you’re humming it to…



Nikki Kay
Live Your Life On Purpose

Words everywhere. Fiction, poetry, personal essays about parenting, mental health, and the intersection of the two.