Can Work become a Vibe? You can Rewrite the Unwritten Rules of Culture in your Workplace

How showing appreciation will make you popular and change the standards at work.

Doc Jay, MD
Live Your Life On Purpose


Vibe, culture, standard, work, workplace, appreciation, compliment, karma
Photo by Ali Yahya on Unsplash

Have you ever been having a bad day when one of your customers, coworkers, or your boss gives you a really well-placed compliment? Well, that happened to me twice in one day.

We work so hard day after day, feeling unappreciated. We make sacrifices to save others from too much work, and it goes unnoticed. Sometimes, it feels like you’re the only person wearing yourself down.

My Monday was one of those days. My body dragged because of the few hours of sleep I got. The anxiety of the coming work week kept me awake much of the night. This week all my patients had COVID, and most of them barely clung to life. It is more draining being assigned to this floor than any other.

I spent all day on the COVID floor, seeing patients and reading hospital records. As the day progressed, a headache crept in, then the fatigue. I could barely think straight after I’d seen all the patients and made adjustments to their care.

During my late lunch break, I walked into the office. A lovely Christmas gift of chocolates greeted me at my desk. My boss gifted us all chocolate, but mine…



Doc Jay, MD
Live Your Life On Purpose

🩺Doctor by trade 📝Writer by habit 💁🏽‍♂️Helper by obsession. Man of 1,000 failures. Self Improvement blog: