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Change your life one connection at the time

Leandro Ruiz
Live Your Life On Purpose
3 min readAug 31, 2018


The life of all people is made up of relationships. The most important relationships we have are almost always with other people, but they can also be with objects, with ideas, with institutions or with actions that we do every day. But in addition to relationships, our life has environments, which is where these interactions occur.

When we have problems in our lives is because some of the relationships we have are defective, or the environment where this occurs does not allow this relationship to be satisfactory.

This is why in order to be happy and have a good life we must analyze each relationship with its environment and see where we are not completely satisfied. And do the same with relationships that make us happy. To learn from them and replicate them in other situations.

The important thing is to make a diagnosis

To be able to understand why some relationship doesn’t work and find a way to make it work you have to use only one tool: introspection.

Being reflective of what surrounds us is very important in order to be aware of whether we are happy with our lives.

This idea I really understood the day I started writing in a notebook. Being able to get my thoughts out of my mind and see them on paper allowed me to open my eyes to understand how I could do things to improve my life.

Because it is true, at the beginning I thought that life is as it is and that I can not change it, but after much meditation and reading my thoughts (and feelings) in my journal, I understood that if I make the effort I can make any changes in my life.

The change is in ourselves

After understanding what was wrong with me, I had to take action to be able to change.

For example, a while ago was unable to complete any project that began. So that forces me to propose incentives and objectives to be able to finish them. Also begin to implement habits that make me feel better about myself, such as meditation and exercise.

When we find a relationship that does not make us better and that there is no way to improve it we should not hesitate to eliminate it. Because if something or someone hurts us there is no excuse to continue wasting time. You always have to have the courage to change something that has no solution.

Nobody is perfect and we do not have to be afraid to change, because every time we make mistakes and learn something new we change the way we are.

On the other hand, if you are always the same, you don’t know or don’t want to learn. Which is not a good thing to say.


Every day I try to do things to feel myself a superior person than I was yesterday. When I was younger I didn’t understand this level of independence, I believed that I was in a certain way and that I could not change, because that was my nature.

But in reality, there is no aspect of my life that has to be always the same.

If I want to be a freer person, I can take actions for that, if I want to improve the relationship with a person, I can take the first step and approach. If I want to be better off with my finances, I can learn and apply the lessons.

All relationships can be changed and become something better, make us better people, for us and for our environment.

Today is an interactive article, so if you have any suggestions on this topic take the freedom to leave it in the comments.



Leandro Ruiz
Live Your Life On Purpose

Data Scientist & Creative Guy. I write about Self Development, Knowledge, Personal Finances and life in general.