Change Your Life: The Benefit Of Celebrating Small Successes

Harry Hoover
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readOct 24, 2019


You can change your life by changing your brain. I’ve talked before about how you can rewire your brain for happiness by being more grateful. There are other ways to change your life, as well.

One way to change your life is by changing the way you look at success.

Change Your Life

First, let’s talk about success itself. I think many people are afraid of it. I had a friend years ago who was an exceptional writer. He liked to think of himself as a struggling author. Frank submitted a story — one of the funniest I have ever read — to Gray’s Sporting Journal.

The magazine immediately accepted and published the story. From that day forward, he was paralyzed. If he ever wrote another word, he didn’t tell anyone about it. I believe Frank couldn’t handle the success and didn’t think he could continue this winning streak.

He was looking at success the wrong way.

I read an interesting piece this week concerning success by Mark Ford, founder of The Palm Beach Research Group. His piece discussed success in investing but — science tells us — it applies in all situations. Says Ford,

The three roadblocks (to success) I see repeated time and again are:



Harry Hoover
Live Your Life On Purpose

Harry is the author of Get Glad: Your Practical Guide To A Happier Life, Moving to Charlotte: The Un-Tourist Guide, Born Creative, & The Dad’s Book of Jokes.