life revisited

Circadian Rhythm and Blues

The Human Condition

Live Your Life On Purpose
1 min readJun 21, 2019


The pulse of carbon imperatives
Steers attention to daily stirrings
Inspiring instincts from the narratives
Sprites in flight with wings a-whirring

The dingy dwellings don’t aspire to respectability
Nor does hope rise, inspiring our civility
But hope is a fickle and vain reality
Which mocks our dreams with its futility

As day breaks across the morning arc
Apologetic life forms now scurry
To avoid being caught in the dank and dark
And nocturnal scavengers’ flurry

Ever present the Watchful Eye
Out of sight but not forgotten
Obeying urgency it now must try
To harvest fetid flesh now rotten

A plentitude of wretched beasts extant
The less successful now mere carrion
A strategy of entice and enchant
Sounds the alarm — the spirit’s clarion

Valor mimics a savior looming large
As it attempts to free them
But destiny always remains in charge
And reminds us of our mandate — carpe diem



Live Your Life On Purpose

Retired technologist — eschewing cubicles; habitual observer; perpetual student; philosopher; poet; essayist; advocate for nature and wilderness.