Clear Space On Your Emotional Hard Drive

And other ways to get your brain buzzing again when you’re feeling flat

Beth Louise
Live Your Life On Purpose


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

We all have those days when it feels like our brains are on backwards. There might not be anything major that you can attribute it to, you just feel flat. I’ve been experimenting lately with shifting this energy and trying to upgrade my emotional software to be able to escape the low moods quicker.

When I talk about ‘energy’ I’m not referring to physical stamina or solar panels. I’m referring to that esoteric concept of your life force. Yes it’s a bit spiritual, a bit metaphysical, but it may actually have some truth to it. When your vibe is off, life doesn’t go quite as smoothly. And those effortless individuals that you’re envious of are probably masters at keeping their energy high.

I’m not wholly convinced that it’s the power of manifestation at work, but how you’re feeling internally does seem to have some crazy ripple effect across the Universe that can change the way your day plays out, and that others can subtly pick up on, and respond to, as well. It’s the strangest thing.

Gradually I’m finding cheats to get out of the funk and back into a good mindset. And right now, the routine looks a little something like this — clear it, shift it, replace it.



Beth Louise
Live Your Life On Purpose

Adventures of a metaphysical girl in a material world. Instagram @21xseven