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Come on Woman get a life!!!

Why expecting to be loved by others, first you Love Yourself

Neha Chauhan
3 min readFeb 25, 2019


I was watching one romance drama series on the internet. The basic plot goes like the boy doesn’t want to be in love but the girl is true believer of love.

However, she thinks that she is not good enough to be loved. So one evening she goes to a party & gets drunk. The guy takes her in a room & tug her in the bed. As he is about to leave, she holds his hand and asks

“Why no one loves me? Am I not good enough?”And my mind almost screamed – GET A LIFE, Woman.

To all those people out there who have same question, I want to say –


Neither he/she nor anyone will love you. Why should anyone love you if you can’t love yourself?

When you are not sure yourself whether you are good enough or not, how can someone else take any chance on you?

You are being harsh on yourself by not loving the person you are.

You are rejecting yourself, insulting the creation of your parents and God. And all of it just because you don’t have validation of others, boys/girls are not queuing for your phone number or certain people not giving you attention? Really!!! I mean are all these things really worth worrying for? Think again.

“Why should we worry about what others think of us, do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do our own?” – Brigham Young

Rather than crying & looking for people to validate your existence in the world, validate yourself.

If you can’t accept yourself, how can you expect to be accepted by others?

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection” – Buddha

Harsh fact – You are what you are. Either you spend your life crying about it and looking for someone to validate for you OR you do something about it and be happy.

If you feel there is something not enough about you, work on that. ( Don’t go for plastic surgery to make yourself beautiful.) Maybe you need to work on your job, studies, some habit, do things what you love, can be anything. Do it but do it for yourself.

I read this great article by Jessica Semaan

Invest in yourself (Time and money both).

Invest in your education.

Learn something.

Do something solo, go somewhere.

Make true friends. And your first true friend is You Yourself.

Do whatever makes you happy. You are the reason for your own happiness.

“Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” – Louise L. Hay

There are two ways you get your life. One – Given by your mother when she brings you in this world. Second – You give to yourself. A life you create for yourself which differentiates your life from just breathing.

So, Have a life darling, Have a life!!!

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Neha Chauhan
Live Your Life On Purpose

Career Counsellor. I help people achieve Career Growth, help to resolve Career Confusion and help in Career Transition. 📧