Comfort Zone is not so comfortable. Here’s why.

The truth about the comfort zone

Vincent Mok
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readOct 31, 2020


The idea of a comfort zone is nothing new.

We often hear that we should step out of our comfort zone in order to develop ourselves into a better person. In other words, we are trying to expand our comfort zone. The is only 50% of the truth, so what about the other 50%?

Have you ever take a closer look into the comfort zone? Do you think that your comfort zone is really safe and under our own control?

Why do we prefer to stay in our comfort zone?

Human beings are funny. We have all kinds of relaxation response in our body.

For example, when we touch a needle, we feel the pain and pull away immediately. When we feel cold, our bodies will shiver, and we know that we need to put on more clothes and make yourself warm.

This innate system is an additional homeostatic mechanism that provides a better chance of survival when our bodies are under threat. Thus, the comfort zone is always within our bodies, minds, and souls.

Therefore, no matter what we are trying to explore, safety and control always the top priorities to consider. We do not want to risk anything in our lives. And that’s why we prefer to stay in the comfort zone.

Comfort zone is not so comfort

There is nothing wrong to stay in your comfort zone. But do you know that your comfort zone is diminishing every day?

Now, we are living in a fast-changing world. The world is changing faster than ever. There are new technologies, knowledge, products, skills, etc. coming out on a daily basis.

If you have no idea what is going on in this world, it doesn’t mean that they do not exist. It only means that you are collecting information slower than the others.

When everyone is starting to use an electronic wallet, you are still using the cash in your leather wallet. There is no surprise that we are not using any cash in the future. And so, everyone is going to force to use new technologies to replace the existing technologies.

In other words, your comfort zone is diminishing every day. When you think that you are contented. That is just a lie and an excuse. The truth is, your comfort zone is not so comfortable. The so-called, ‘safety’ and ‘control’, are an illusion. Eventually, you are going to expose yourself.

Be proactive with your comfort zone

On the next day, your comfort zone will be smaller than today. If you do not want to lead by the world and being eliminated from society. You have to be proactive with your comfort zone.

Proactive does not mean that you are trying to learn everything, collecting all kinds of information from all sorts of media or platforms. There is simply not enough time for you to achieve this.

Life is fair, there are only 24 hours per day in each of us. Therefore, we need to be smart with our time, be smart with our choices, be productive with our lives. Do not step out of the comfort zone just for the sake of stepping out. You should be proactive and expand with purpose.

The rate of expanding > The rate of diminishing

It is difficult to measure the rate in numerical values. No one could tell you what you should do or what you shouldn’t do.

The only one who could answer is yourself.

What do you want to achieve in your life? What is your expectation? Are you catching up with the latest technologies?

When you figure out the answers, you are going to be on the right track. If you try to overload yourself, you are not expanding your comfort zone. You are just slowing down the diminishing rate of your comfort zone.

Therefore, be proactive and be smart with your choices.

Out of your comfort zone

Once you have figured out what to do in your life, it is only the beginning. It is just the first step out of your comfort zone.

There are still 3 more zones for you to explore. Your mission is to conquer these 3 zones and turn them into your comfort zone.

Fear zone

The fear zone is the second zone that you will reach after you have stepped out of your comfort zone.

It is common for us to feel anxiety here.

Let’s say you have to give a presentation at the next meeting. However, you do not have much experience with the presentation. Now, you feel panic and lack of self-confidence. Or even try to make excuse not to appear on that day.

But remember, we could control our own thoughts and emotions, and not let the environment to control our own thoughts and emotions.

This is the way to conquer the fear zone.

Learning zone

Calmness plays a major role in conquering the fear zone. You need to be calm in order to move on and to conquer the learning zone.

Now, you have a week of time to prepare for the presentation. How should we acquire this skill?

For example, you could study the presentation of other people. You could study their body language, the tempo of the speech, the structure of the speech, etc.

Then you could try to do it in front of the mirror. And even make a video recording of your presentation, such that you know what is required to be improved in your presentation.

Now, you are ready to give the presentation at the next meeting.

Growth zone

Learning the basics of a skill is not difficult. To master a skill, it takes a life long journey.

Your boss is happy with your presentation, but you know there were certain points that should have done better. So, you set some new goals and conquer the objectives. Take extra lessons to improve your presentation skill and learn how to be more charismatic.

Although you do not need to give a presentation in the next few weeks, you know that the skill of presentation will come in handy. You are preparing for the future. You are expanding your comfort zone.



Vincent Mok
Live Your Life On Purpose

Foosballer | Writer for The Ascent, Live Your Life On Purpose. Write about Productivity, Personal Growth, Thought Process.