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Confession: I Think I am a Minimalist

Brandon Smith
Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readFeb 2, 2020


It’s kind of like a person who thinks he may be gay, but never admits it. Or, maybe more like a religious person who has stopped practicing. Or maybe just someone on a path of self-discovery.

However I describe it, I think I am here to finally make a confession:

I think I may be a minimalist.

But what does it meeeeeeeeean?

Truthfully, I don’t know. I will read a few more books. I will probably get around to watching that Marie Kondo thing on Netflix. I will definitely be thinning out my crap.

I am beginning a journey. And I have questions.

What does it mean to be a minimalist? Can you be a minimalist and still have some stuff? What does it look like to be a minimalist in a house with 1 wife and 6 kids whose purpose in life is to hang on to stuff? How can I be a minimalist in all the spaces of my life (home, work, digital, etc.)?

The greatest question right now, though, is:

What do I do next? And how do I do it?

I would love to invite you to stick around for some answers. What I do know is the things I share here will not be the answers but could be some potential answers. I know my life will simplify. And I know my head will clear as my shelves do.

What about you? Have you flirted with minimalism? What does it mean to you? What advice do you have for a newbie?



Brandon Smith
Live Your Life On Purpose

A few thoughts on productivity, leadership, time management, culture, and values.