Photo Credit: Aziz Acharki from Unsplash

Creating a Life of Stillness

Re-discovering quiet curiosity

Chasca Lune
4 min readJul 12, 2019


Life is unyielding with all its noise. It’s not like when we were growing up and would spend endless hours in the forest until called for supper by the scream of a parent’s voice.

Our time playing in the forest predates the digital age. Before cell phones, iPads, computers, and the internet. Saturday morning cartoons were the extent of our binge-watching television. I remember growing up with more nature than noise.

I consider myself lucky. Maybe if you never experienced a life of quiet nature, you would never desire to create it.

I experienced boredom and quiet with curiosity, fascination, and contentment. Now, I find myself desiring to create it in my daily life. That’s one reason I avoid big cities. The traffic, the pollution, and the busyness, I can only take in small doses.

Stress is a six-letter word I cringe at. A buzzword completely overused but has 100% merit behind it. We all know what it is, what causes it in our lives, and the long-term effects.

What’s the solution to decreasing it and what’s the benefit of rediscovering quiet curiosity? As a highly sensitive and empathic human, I discovered I need quiet like an addict needs a fix. It is not only essential but imperative to my health and well-being. It’s…

