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Cultivate Inner Peace Through Eating

Practice mindfulness with these three practices three times a day, plus snacks

We often fall in love with the idea of eating something specific. A warm croissant, a colorful smoothie bowl. Yet we multitask while eating and miss the anticipated pleasure we were longing. Being in the present moment while eating is an exercise in mindfulness that increases our capacity fo feel pleasure through our senses.

These daily encounters with food not only nourish us physically but also offer us a chance to increase our connection to our bodies and to awaken our senses. Mindfulness while eating improves our ability to listen to the needs of this beautiful body that allows us to be alive and healthy.

Mindful eating is food for the body and the spirit.

So let's take full advantage of this potential with these three points.

1 Eat with Your Body, not with Your Eyes Only

You’ve been thinking about that fragrant pad thai since this morning and when you order it you are on your phone or talking nonstop with someone. Without realizing it, you barely taste your food. Who is eating here? Your eyes, or your mouth and digestive system? We get greedy as we visualize…



Aline Ra M | Healer, Coach & Spiritual Teacher
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