Do The New (Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash)

Do What You Have to, Not What You Are Told to

Doing The New — A counter-intuitive way to succeed in life adopted by yours truly!

8 min readJul 4, 2019


Yes, you read that right — Do What You Have to, Not What You Are Told to!

Not unless you are in the Army or the Navy. Or institutions where you could be lined up against the wall and shot for insubordination and rebellious actions!

Life is precious, and the dead don’t care about being successful. Which is ironic, given that both Bach and Kafka achieved great glory and fame posthumously. Nevertheless, I don’t personally think either of them gives a flying you-know-what for the adulation and admiration they receive from us lesser mortals.

But this isn’t their era. This is the age of possibility and dazzling accomplishments. We have reached Mars, mapped the Human Genome, and killed about 1500 species in the past week — can’t be all good. I didn’t say it is.

This is the age where age doesn’t matter. You don’t have to be 50, with a receding hairline, and suffer from…



Researcher • ✍Writes about — Japan, Tech, Success, Startups, & Society • Often shares unpopular thoughts 📖