Don’t Pass Up The Opportunity To Thank Your Biggest Influencers In Life

Tom Blair
Live Your Life On Purpose
7 min readApr 6, 2018


“Two guys sitting on a rock and having a conversation by the seashore of Laguna beach” by Cole Hutson on Unsplash

In 3rd grade my afternoons after school at home were stressful because my mom would constantly be hounding me about practicing piano, and all I really wanted to do was go outside and play.

‘Only a nerd is inside playing piano while the cool kids are outside playing hide and seek, riding their scooters, and eating ice cream.’

(Not our piano.. just a google image search)

We had an old upright piano in the house, that was handed down from an Aunt. Her kids (my cousins) took piano lessons in their younger years but they didn’t stick with it. My mom requested that it be brought to our house. I was getting to that age where I guess it made sense to get me started on the instrument to see if I would take to it.


During this period of my life, I looked at the piano keys in front of me like I looked at math problems on a page of my homework. ‘ugh.. homework..’ I thought to myself.. ‘Why do I have to do homework?’ was the same as ‘Ughh.. piano.. why do I have to practice piano?’ I just had all of these assignments in life that…



Tom Blair
Live Your Life On Purpose

A musician with a desire to entertain, enlighten, inspire, and write about it all. #stayhungry #letsconnect