Drown Your Noise With Determination

René Chunilall
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readSep 12, 2020

There are many things in this world that I cannot explain but deeply grateful they exist. For most of my life, I thought them to be a curse, but a different perspective helped me explore and see their beauty.

A great example would be that we are left alone with our minds

You have a mind for yourself — one for you to own. You know what it means to face each of your emotions, thoughts, and worries, and you know which you hold on to a little longer than you should. Your mind is your own to bear.

For this reason, you alone must take responsibility for it

I cannot say this is an easy task — in fact, it asks for much effort. What makes the effort seem much more, is the great amount of Noise surrounding it — the emotions, the people and the worries. They all, in some way, blur your path and make the next step seem a little less possible.

Many stay deeply sunken in their Noise, but a few do resurface

These few are not, in any way, special. In fact, they are human — just like you. They face their situations and feel the full weight of their Noise. The only difference lies in their willingness to bear the full weight of their Noise, in hope of finding improvement. In fact, they no longer care for the Noise as much — they instead listen to themselves and what they want.

They become Determined

I would rather say, they choose to be Determined — for it is no more than a choice. One to no longer allow the Noise to be a source of procrastination, but rather a source of great Opportunity. To prove to yourself that, in the midst of your greatest fears, you still are worthy enough to fight through your Obstacles.

Do well to remember: the only difference between an Obstacle and an Opportunity is your perspective of it

I would love for you to keep these with you:

Don’t Deny Your Noise, It Does Exist

People, thoughts, and worries will never leave you — so find Peace with this. Understand how your Noise makes you feel so that you would not be fooled by its different forms. Let it humble and ground you.

Let your Noise help you learn how to save you from yourself

If you continue to let it win, it can bring you the greatest of regrets, but if you manage it well, it can bring you the greatest of improvements.

Within ten days you will seem a god to those to whom you are now a beast and an ape, if you will return to your principles and the worship of reason.” — Marcus Aurelius

Determination Will Keep You Aligned With Your Light

Being determined is a choice in a heated moment to immediately switch your perspective. It is you accepting how far you have sunk, whilst trying to deny your Noise, and welcoming in the effort you need to resurface yourself.

If you think about it, the Noise is nothing more than a test to show you how bad you want something

This something is nothing more than a light guiding you. A light showing you the way. If you have no light, how would you know whether you’ve stopped sinking into the darkness? Find your light, find something that will guide you out of the darkest depths of your Noise — and no amount of Noise will stop you.

It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

This Is How An Obstacle Becomes An Opportunity

Orison Swett Marden once said pretty well, obstacles are like wild animals. they are cowards but they will bluff you if they can. If they see you are afraid of them, they are liable to spring upon you; but if you look them squarely in the eye, they will sink out of sight.

You must face Obstacles to turn them into Opportunities

Determination may not seem useful when you feel good, and everything goes your way. But, you will feel its true strength when you have no choice but to use it to stop making excuses, change your perspective, and gain momentum in the right direction. You will feel it best when you need to turn a great Obstacle into a great Opportunity.

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” — Christopher Reeve

Another part of life I am grateful for is being able to still make a choice, regardless of the ones previously made. In this, you have the power to free yourself and resurface from the depths of great Noise.

But a word of advice: you may not choose to hear many things, but you choose when to listen

The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself, as Orison Swett Marden once said. It is not in your environment; it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others; it is in yourself alone. You can save yourself from the depths of your Noise, it just depends heavily on how determined you are to turn your Obstacles into Opportunities.

You can have anything you want if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose.” ― Abraham Lincoln

Invest In Your Existence, Kind Reader.



René Chunilall
Live Your Life On Purpose

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