Photo by Kae Ng on Unsplash

Five Things You Need to Stop Shaming Other Adults for Doing

Rachel Hardy
Live Your Life On Purpose


I remember being a young child and feeling impatient to grow up. From my tiny little vantage point, I looked up at all the adults around me and thought that their lives looked so wonderful.

I was jealous of their fancy clothes and their colorful drinks that looked so delicious and the shiny new cars they parked in the driveway.

I longed to be in control of what I ate and what I watched and when I went to bed and I wanted my own credit card and money to buy all the things I wanted.

Of course, no one warned that naive children that fancy clothes and cars are expensive and alcoholic drinks really do taste terrible those first few times. No one warned me that credit cards have interest and making your own meals sucks and worst of all is going to work forty hours a week just so you can pay your bills.

From the point of view of a child, it’s easy to believe that adulthood is nothing but a world of endless freedoms. After all, it’s the adults who are telling the children what to do and when to do it and where they should be.

They naively believe that no one is controlling the destinies of those bossy adults because they miss out on bosses and spouses and friends and coworkers telling them where they have to be, and when they have to be there, and…



Rachel Hardy
Live Your Life On Purpose

Join me as I embrace an intentional, natural, and slow life that’s true to me💕 Aspiring breath coach 💨 Dog mom 🐶 SEO professional 💻